one of my biggest pet peeves on this site.



  • flbeachbuddy
    flbeachbuddy Posts: 77 Member
    Spelling and grammar have been my pet peeves also. But now that I am over 50, I have found myself typing the wrong word on homonyms - for example, typing their instead of there. AAACCCKKK! Not me!

    I am trying to accept this in myself, maybe I am getting paid back for all the smirking and looking askance when others use the wrong word.

  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    ah, nevermind-- I already said my piece.

    'Nuff said--

    Carry on--

    Good for you Marla. You know better then to drift elsewhere!!!
  • feeny
    feeny Posts: 110 Member
    Well, dear people, if and when you find a "My Spelling Pals" site, feel free to correct ad nauseum-- until then, lighten up.

    We've had threads like this before, and personally I've always found them in bad form.

    Some people are spelling and grammar buffs (I happen to be one of them) and others aren't-- but this isn't the site for such trivial complaints-- in my humble opinion.

    People have enough on their plate (pun intended) trying to get their eating and health under control, they shouldn't have to be worried about being mocked for their spelling, too.

    This is the internet, spelling and grammar come into play everywhere, no matter what site you're on. My intention was not to "mock" anyone.

    If i wanted to do that I would go through each thread with spelling errors and point them out to the poster.

    Why do that when it's so much more time efficient to do it with one simple thread?

    The glory of America is that we can disagree openly-- and we do. I find this in bad form, and figure I'd pop in to share my opinion.

    I've known people who were quite embarrassed with a thread like this, making them so self-conscious, they were intimidated to post. Super-sensitive? Maybe-- but, again, given the forum here and the purpose which is health and fitness....ah, nevermind-- I already said my piece.

    'Nuff said--

    Carry on--

    well exactly, the site is for health & fitness, which is why I posted this in the 'chit chat' section ;)
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Well, dear people, if and when you find a "My Spelling Pals" site, feel free to correct ad nauseum-- until then, lighten up.

    We've had threads like this before, and personally I've always found them in bad form.

    Some people are spelling and grammar buffs (I happen to be one of them) and others aren't-- but this isn't the site for such trivial complaints-- in my humble opinion.

    People have enough on their plate (pun intended) trying to get their eating and health under control, they shouldn't have to be worried about being mocked for their spelling, too.

    This is the internet, spelling and grammar come into play everywhere, no matter what site you're on. My intention was not to "mock" anyone.

    If i wanted to do that I would go through each thread with spelling errors and point them out to the poster.

    Why do that when it's so much more time efficient to do it with one simple thread?

    The glory of America is that we can disagree openly-- and we do. I find this in bad form, and figure I'd pop in to share my opinion.

    I've known people who were quite embarrassed with a thread like this, making them so self-conscious, they were intimidated to post. Super-sensitive? Maybe-- but, again, given the forum here and the purpose which is health and fitness....ah, nevermind-- I already said my piece.

    'Nuff said--

    Carry on--

    well exactly, the site is for health & fitness, which is why I posted this in the 'chit chat' section ;)


  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    or weigh, weighed and weight
  • T_R_A_V
    T_R_A_V Posts: 1,629 Member
    Glad that Im not the only one
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    Add me to the list of people annoyed.

    pin/pen & feel/fill & won't/want - this is probably just a southern thing because of the accent, but it irritates the (&)@(#$& out of me.
  • Meghan0129
    Meghan0129 Posts: 1,308 Member
    I think a beautiful solution would be a spell check/grammar check feature. I believe that I may be one of the worst spellers out there and it is just too much of a process to type my responses into word prior to posting. So, with that being said...You're just going to have to deal with my misspelled (did I spell that right?) posts. :laugh:
  • T_R_A_V
    T_R_A_V Posts: 1,629 Member
    I think a beautiful solution would be a spell check/grammar check feature. I believe that I may be one of the worst spellers out there and it is just too much of a process to type my responses into word prior to posting. So, with that being said...You're just going to have to deal with my misspelled (did I spell that right?) posts. :laugh:

    Yeah Meg, Ive been meaning to talk to you about that...
  • Meghan0129
    Meghan0129 Posts: 1,308 Member
    I think a beautiful solution would be a spell check/grammar check feature. I believe that I may be one of the worst spellers out there and it is just too much of a process to type my responses into word prior to posting. So, with that being said...You're just going to have to deal with my misspelled (did I spell that right?) posts. :laugh:

    Yeah Meg, Ive been meaning to talk to you about that...
    Whatever man. :grumble: :laugh:
  • T_R_A_V
    T_R_A_V Posts: 1,629 Member
    haha...i knew ud leki taht

    I mean, I knew you'd like that
  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    Cracking up reading this... those common mistakes irritate me too. I've seen a lot worst (sike - worse :tongue: ) spelling on other forum-style sites.

    I can't say I'm perfect... sometimes I go back and read something I posted and am like... whaaaaat? Like when I said I bought Gorgonzola beans to make hummus.

    Spell checker would be nice!

    Yeah, I said "sike" and that's how I spell it!
  • Meghan0129
    Meghan0129 Posts: 1,308 Member
    Cracking up reading this... those common mistakes irritate me too. I've seen a lot worst (sike - worse :tongue: ) spelling on other forum-style sites.

    I can't say I'm perfect... sometimes I go back and read something I posted and am like... whaaaaat? Like when I said I bought Gorgonzola beans to make hummus.

    Spell checker would be nice!

    Yeah, I said "sike" and that's how I spell it!
    I truely feel that the word "sike" is underused. :laugh:
  • T_R_A_V
    T_R_A_V Posts: 1,629 Member
    I truely feel that the word "sike" is underused. :laugh:

    Meg...did you mean truly....just messin:flowerforyou:
  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    Cracking up reading this... those common mistakes irritate me too. I've seen a lot worst (sike - worse :tongue: ) spelling on other forum-style sites.

    I can't say I'm perfect... sometimes I go back and read something I posted and am like... whaaaaat? Like when I said I bought Gorgonzola beans to make hummus.

    Spell checker would be nice!

    Yeah, I said "sike" and that's how I spell it!
    I truely feel that the word "sike" is underused. :laugh:

    THANK YOU! Whenever I say it people look at me like, "Did you just say sike?" :laugh:
  • aerobicgirl
    aerobicgirl Posts: 354 Member
    get over it. you mean to tell me you have never in your life done this or another mistake. could be someone typing to fast. im guilty of it.