30 Day Shred Calories Burned - HELP!

I have been doing Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred, I am on day 6. I have been logging it as 150 calories assuming that was a good estimation, if a little on the conservative side, since I don't want to overestimate calories burnt and therefore decrease my deficit.

Anyway, I got a HRM (Timex) and used it for the first time today, and in the 27 Minutes including warm up and cool down, it said I burnt 442 Calories!!

I have entered my weight into the HRM - I am 5"3 and 135 lbs. I do all of the exercises and don't stop, but still this seems like a lot doesn't it?! It said my average Heart Rate for the 27 mins was 167. I'm not in amazing shape but not totally unfit either.

Does anyone get a similar calorie burn from this?? Any insights would be helpful!!


  • You might wanna do a manual heart rate check when you feel like you're giving your all. 167 bpm seems awfully high.
  • julialdr
    julialdr Posts: 100 Member
    Hey I think you're not far off. I'm 118lbs and burn around 130 on level 1. (a little more on level 2)
  • cupcake4u49
    cupcake4u49 Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks @juliadr, but I don't know if you read the rest of my post - when I used my heart rate monitor it said 442! I assumed it was around 150, like you said, but now I don't know!