Working to Gain

I've been under weight my entire life. Ever since i was 3 years old, my doctor has tried putting me on just about any diet imaginable to help me gain weight, but it never works. I've never weighed more than 98.8 lbs.
I've been called anorexic, bulimic, you name it.
I just want to be healthy. I want to try to gain weight, but be fit at the same time. the only problem is that i'm eating constantly, but it never helps. working out just makes it worse (as one would probably expect), but i don't want to be some tiny twig forever, i want at least SOME muscle.
By the way, i'm a girl, so i'm not looking to be a body builder or anything, i just want to be toned.
Any tips?


  • shinkalork
    shinkalork Posts: 815 Member
    eat lean protein.... Lots of fish,white meat (turkey,chicken), protein shakes etc...
    This will help gain good weight.

    You need good fat nuts,avocados,olive oil etc...

    Good carbs : 100% whole wheat, beans, oatmeal etc...

    It's just ideas here :)

    Good luck
  • I have tried these before, but unfortunately, they don't last. I do gain a little bit of weight for about 3-4 weeks, then it plummets again.

    Thank you for the ideas though :)
  • moonmistmm
    moonmistmm Posts: 178 Member
    I think what a lot of people might tell you on here is that if you want to gain weight you should try doing it eating high calorie but healthy food. The truth is, that might work, but I figure empty calories might help too. Are you intaking enough calories? Adding peanut butter to things helps. I also think that drinking calories might be easier too because you won't stay full as long. Maybe try adding some high calorie smoothies into your diet? Personally, I'm a fan of banana, peanut butter, milk, yogurt, and some hershey's syrup together. I add protein powder too, but I'm trying to lose weight, so I want it to keep me full.

    And are you trying to gain just muscle, or fat too? Because I think it might be difficult to do both at the same time, but I'm no expert. I'd say focus on one or the other first. Muscle will make your body burn more calories, so then you'd have to eat more to maintain your weight.

    I've also read for the people who struggle to intake enough calories that if you get into the routine of eating even if you aren't hungry, eventually your body should adjust to the amount of food and want it.
  • djames92
    djames92 Posts: 990 Member
    try buying a mass gainer at GNC or Vitamin world and drinking one of those shakes a every day it adds about an extra 600 calories along with proteins and carbs to help you gain healthy weight not fat :)
  • Chelseaax
    Chelseaax Posts: 197 Member
    I'm really small too, I'm on here trying to gain. I'm 5'2 and 100 lbs. Pretty tiny lol. I found this site and it's been helping me alot. So many nice people
  • amclaws25
    amclaws25 Posts: 128 Member
    Stuff your face with increased healthy calories and fats. Lots of protein and try a mass builder for a quick add of the calories. For exercise, NO cardio. ONLY weight lifting of heavy weights. Not sure what your exercise was before. Hopefully you get some success eventually. :)