Looking for MFP buddies

Hi everyone! Just looking for friends to inspire and be inspired. I've been here a little over 2 months and I love this site so I log on everyday. I'm 25, 5'11 and my goal is to lose about 50-60lbs. I'm a little less than halfway there but I'd like to be at least 170 by the time summer rolls around. Feel free to add me and gl =)


  • Hi everyone! Just looking for friends to inspire and be inspired. I've been here a little over 2 months and I love this site so I log on everyday. I'm 25, 5'11 and my goal is to lose about 50-60lbs. I'm a little less than halfway there but I'd like to be at least 170 by the time summer rolls around. Feel free to add me and gl =)

    Hiiiii...would love to be inspired too. :-) Add me if you like