Hip pain on left side

I recently started jogging/running to try and step up my weight loss efforts. I jog really slow compared to most because I have just started. I can only do a mile about every other day. My left hip has hurt for about a week or two now. It feels bruised and achy. Has anyone else exp this and if so did it go away? I want to be able to continue to work out but I dont want to injure myself any further.


  • Nerys52
    Nerys52 Posts: 86 Member
    I only walk , but I was diagnosed with osteoartritis of the hips , yes both , and I seem to have it since I was 42 yrs ,
    perhaps instead of running you could just walk and if condition persists go see a dr about your hip
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    I had this happen on my right side. The pain was at the top of the iliac crest. I went to my regular Dr and they wanted me to do physical therapy but just said I strained the muscle (for 2 months? and it doesn't heal?). A friend gave me the name of a physical medicine Dr that helped her a lot. I went to him and he said my pelvis on the right side was tilted forward. Basically, due to uneven muscle mass on the two sides of my body, my pelvis would tilt on the right side and I was out of alignment. This was stressing the muscle attachments of that area. He did some stretches in the office, gave me some to do 3 times a day at home, and I walked out of there basically cured. After one visit. It was AWESOME.

    I still do the stretches when I need to. I did switch to the Galloway method of running to help prevent the issues. He also recommended some strength exercises to strengthen my back and legs. I haven't had an issue since!
  • amymichelle1226
    amymichelle1226 Posts: 150 Member
    I had hip pain in my left hip a couple months ago. I had been running for about 2-3 months by then but it hurt so bad everytime I ran. I stopped any running for about a month and let it get better, and when I started running again I got better shoes and made SURE to do stretching when I was done running. Not just regular stretching but stretches specifically for the hip. I haven't had any pain since.
  • GIAngel222
    GIAngel222 Posts: 227 Member
    Same thing happens to me, my left hip also. It doesn't hurt while I am running but the day after and up until a week later, to the point where it is uncomfortable to lay on my left side.

    I am curious to know what this is myself!

  • ingalynn
    ingalynn Posts: 136 Member
    i had been running for several months and had been planning my 1st 5k when the hip pain began. Went to the doctor. he said it was bursitis, which is inflammation in the bursa sac of the joint. Haven't gotten myself running again, but have been bicycling at the gym and using the equipment there. After several failed attempts, I haven't brought myself around to get back to running.
  • RikkiDominey
    RikkiDominey Posts: 134 Member
    My hip used to hurt when I would do certain movements that involved me picking up my leg (walking, stairs, etc) I began doing daily hip flexor stretches and looked into "Chi Running" and my hip has not hurt since!
  • mommyami1
    mommyami1 Posts: 154 Member
    I have had multiple hip issues due to an overly flexible sacrum and uneven legs. One thing that I noticed when I start to feel pain is using a foam roller on my piriformis muscle and my IT band relieves a lot of it. Also, check your shoes. Make sure you have your gait analyzed so you know you're wearing the right shoe for you. You can usually do this at small running/sports medicine stores. Another possibility is hip bursitis. You'd definitely have to see a chiropractor or something for that one. I only see a chiropractor, myself, for all the hip problems that come up.