9-5 Office Job Diet Plan

Hi All,
Who else works a 9-5 job in an office and often finds it hard not to snack when bored, I know I do! I make sure I go for an hour's walk on my lunch break to get some fresh air after sitting on my *kitten* for 4 hours in the morning, but I can't help but feel like although I only eat a bowl of Branflakes in the morning for breakfast and nothing again till lunch that I am just sitting on that food and not burning that energy up?!

I always feel bloated after pretty much ANYTHING I eat, so afterward sitting back down at my desk for another few hours is always a struggle and leaves me feeling very uncomfortable.

Please give me all suggestions with regards to being bloated, or having the will-power not to snack in-between being bored at my desk. Any exercies are welcome for beating the bloat too!

Thanks for your help in advance :)
Love T x


  • SageGoddess320
    SageGoddess320 Posts: 2,589 Member
    I also have an office job. I just drink water all day long. In order to stay away from the vending machine, I bring 2 snacks with me. Usually a banana, yogurt, string cheese or a Fiber One Bar. I also pack my own lunch so I don't end up getting fast food or ordering pizza. The guy in the office next to mine has a giant candy jar that he always keeps full with delicious chocolates and other assortments. This is my downfall. Whenever I'm stressed I tend to find myself in there raiding it. I have yet to figure out a way to avoid this. I wish I had the motivation to get out and walk on my lunch break. Props to you!
  • tanyewest
    Aww nobody can resist a treat now and then, especially if you've had a stressful day so I hear you! I bring my own lunches in too, but someone pointed out to me that it is mainly full of carbs! I need to get in the habit of eating more protein and more veggies - I'm such a fussy eater though which doesn't help. It's now 11:30 and I haven't snacked once, I'm doing well :) T x
  • macewanc17
    I tend to find getting everyone involved helps, a lot of the girls in my work, encourage each other to lose weight and in my circle of friends now too!! that helps i have to say, having someone encourage you and be there to support you and if you need chocolate i have someone to talk me over my craving its great.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    If you feel bloated after your breakfast, maybe you shouldn't have your fiber first thing? What about yogurt for breakfast (easy to digest) and fiber for an evening snack?

    I keep a bag of small green apples at work, and some hard boiled eggs - quick easy snacks that have lasting power!

    I admire your walk at lunch, I try to get one in but only manage it two or three times a week!
  • tanyewest
    Most of my friends don't really need to lose weight so don't really have the encouragement from them, and with work ;in my department they are all men so I have no hope! This website has really helped me so far, and I've only been a member no longer than a week. Really inspirational to hear how other people are doing so well, as well as receiving great advice from people.

    Thanks everyone.

    T x
  • krl523
    krl523 Posts: 53
    You can bring your own snacks too. I bring granola bars and fruit. I try to eat something every 2-3 hourse. Water always curbs the need to keep snacking, but it sounds like you are not eating enough during the day. That is why your body is craving snacks or sweets. Most importantly you have to think about the goal and where you see yourself. That always keep me grounded. Why would I wake up early in the morning to exercise, only to sabotage it at work. Waste of time and energy, and God knows my time is already too tight with being a full time mommy. I work full time and go to school full time. Be encouraged....:)
  • jamieseward
    I have a 9-5 job also! I bring in South Beach Chocolate bars for my chocolate melt down moments! Seems to help and they are good for you! I also keep gold fish crackers which you can have 55 for 140 calories, not bad for a snack! The fiber for breakfast is prob causing alot of the problem. Good luck to you, hope this helped! :smile:
  • tanyewest
    It has helped alot actually - I've been eating Fibre for breakfast for years and always feel this way. Yogurt for breakfast and some fruit seems like a good idea now, ditch the Fibre for later in the day! Thanks again :) T x
  • burner
    burner Posts: 72 Member
    :happy: I take a shed load of food to work in my 9-5! mostly fruit with some protein and carbs.

    Like some of the others have said... eat every couple of hours a small meal... say you're goal is 1500 calories a day - break that down into 5 meals - 300cals a meal. Eat one of these meals every 3 hours or so (8am, 11am, 2pm, 5-6pm, 8 or 9pm)... I used to be the same - starving by lunch then I'd go crazy and eat till I was stuffed! If you don't wanna eat after 6 though you could have the combined calories for meals 4 and 5.

    will keep you're hunger at bay and keep you're metabolism at a healthy level - burning more calories while sat on you're backside! try and get the meals balanced too - complex carbs (fruit and veg) and protein - limit the processed foods! :happy:
  • LongMom
    LongMom Posts: 408 Member
    I'm in the same boat working the 9-5. You want to know what kills me??? The SMELL of other people's lunch! I'm just getting back into this weight loss mode and before this I was in a HUGE Indian Food phase. The smell of curry in my lunch room is KILLING me!

    Eating small meals throughout the day DOES help a lot.
  • JaneanAriel
    JaneanAriel Posts: 55 Member
    I work the standard office hours as well. It's ok to snack, but on a schedule.

    Breakfast @ 8am
    Snack @ 10am or 10:30am
    Lunch @ Noon or 1pm
    Snack between 2-3pm
    Dinner by Six and sometimes a snack before 8pm

    Cheesesticks, boiled eggs, Almonds,peanuts, dried fruit, Pork Skins(No carbs), Fruit or granola bars are all good snacks! You should also get your water in with every meal or snack.
  • T_R_A_V
    T_R_A_V Posts: 1,629 Member
    I always bring protien bars, beef jerky, tuna, and protien shakes
  • tanyewest
    I've been trying SO hard to drink 8 cups of water a day and I barely manage 2 without a struggle! I normally drink alot of tea which obviously has water in so could easily get my 8 cups a day in, but now I have cut back on the tea, I can just about manage 2 bottles of Evian a day! T x
  • T_R_A_V
    T_R_A_V Posts: 1,629 Member
    I've been trying SO hard to drink 8 cups of water a day and I barely manage 2 without a struggle! I normally drink alot of tea which obviously has water in so could easily get my 8 cups a day in, but now I have cut back on the tea, I can just about manage 2 bottles of Evian a day! T x

    I dont like water that much either....but when I put ice in it..it makes it bearable
  • MirandaJayne
    MirandaJayne Posts: 600 Member
    For me I know that it helps having only 2 snacks a day one between Breakfast and Lunch and theother between Lunch and dinner. I got myself a 28oz water bottle and throw a straw in it. Right there just one of those bottles is already 3.2 of your 8, 8oz glasses of water a day. Keep it close to your computer screen and just keep sipping on it.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    I bring fruit for snacks, I also keep dry roasted edamame (seriously try this stuff, it's addictive and really healthy), and 100-calorie almond packs in my drawer. I'm on basically the same schedule as JaneanAriel, except I snack @3:00 to energize me to get to the gym.

    For water...get a nice water bottle, and flavor your water...slices of lemon, lime and cucumber (especially cucumber) really make it tastier. I started off a month ago having a really hard time with the drinking but now I'm getting at least 6 glasses a day. Like MirandaJayne said, just keep it right by the keyboard and keep sipping.
  • xXmimiXx
    xXmimiXx Posts: 564 Member
    I work 9 - 5.30 (that extra half hour really hurts haha) and we have a lovely cleaner called Mavis but every week she stocks our cupboard with biscuits and Oatibakes and cereal bars etc etc. I find when I get bored at work I start to feel really hungry when I'm probably not, I drink loads of water too and I bring in healthy snacks to choose instead of the unhealthy ones but sometimes I can't help myself! I really really need some advice on this because sometimes all the "proper food" i've eat in the day is good and healthy but it's the 4 jaffa cakes at lunch that push me over my calories! Aaaah! :indifferent:
  • tanyewest
    I know I was greedy this morning like I told you and had an almond crossiant from Pret instead of bran flakes, and now I am STILL hungry and it cost me 365 in cals instead of 100! Boo. My theory is if I work that crossiant off in exercise then it's as if I didn't have it, so it's fine (: T x
  • sparklepants
    sparklepants Posts: 149 Member
    Mmmmm almond croissant!!!!!

    I work 8.30 til 5.30 in such a quiet office! I get so bored that I really have to try not to snack!! ATM I have fruit or the odd Sula sweet and keep little things like beetroot in the fridge that I can just go and pick at!

    Mimi, I feel you pain, we have stocked cupboards too, and currently 2 bleberry muffins that are just CALLING me!!!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    I work the standard office hours as well. It's ok to snack, but on a schedule.

    Breakfast @ 8am
    Snack @ 10am or 10:30am
    Lunch @ Noon or 1pm
    Snack between 2-3pm
    Dinner by Six and sometimes a snack before 8pm

    Cheesesticks, boiled eggs, Almonds,peanuts, dried fruit, Pork Skins(No carbs), Fruit or granola bars are all good snacks! You should also get your water in with every meal or snack.

    sound like my exact eating schedule, snacks are ok but in moderation. tru hummus with veggies, yoghurt or a protein bar (my fave is zone perfect chocolate almond raisin) - its really like a treat :)

    snacking is good just snack fruits or veggies, low cal stuff instead of junk food. chew gum and drink lots of water. tea is ok aslong as its not iced tea and such from the vending machine.