What motivates YOU?!



  • Mighty_Rabite
    Mighty_Rabite Posts: 581 Member
    Initially, I was motivated some by thoughts of all the women in my past who have passed on me or turned me down, even though appearance was probably not a major factor in that. I wanted to become the guy that they would see again, do a double-take, then more or less have the idea of "what was I thinking?"

    I kept that up far more than enough for working out to turn into an activity that I couldn't properly function mentally without doing.

    All the same though, I've watched my father's health decline over the last couple of years, him getting some stents in his heart and then a triple bypass on 9/28. I'm almost 28 myself, no kids yet and I doubt I will have any before 30 - and not that 30 is old per say, but I want to be fit and able to chase them and any possible future grandkids around, and I definitely don't want to have to waste time being in a hospital for anything that is completely preventable!