crazy canucks Feb 3

Cyndi1 Posts: 484 Member
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
Good Morning all!!

weigh in 148.2 up 1.6 but not worried just started running again and it's that TOM.... I feel pretty good. Hope you all have a good week and good luck with your weigh in.

GO Canada GO!!!!!!


  • Jay_83
    Jay_83 Posts: 446
    Weigh in today!!!!! 135.6 lbs. lost 0.3 lbs since last week . . . . but i had gained since i had weighed myself last. during the week i was at 134.X so it was very exciting. ill keep at it. have been working my *kitten* off every day on the elliptical, adding hand weighs(5 lbs and work in 10 lbsers every couple minutes). been recording my food every day. it feels good to keep ontop of this.
    Go Canada Go!:bigsmile:
  • Really hasn't been a good week for me. Up 2lbs but I am under way too much stress at work that I think I am retaining water. I don't eat much and just keep gaining. exercise has been good b/c it clears my head for a little while. hopefully by the end of February I can get back on track b/c the work will be less stressful....right now I just want to quit my job and relax but that doesn't pay the bills.

    Go Canucks Go
  • Jay_83
    Jay_83 Posts: 446
    Really hasn't been a good week for me. Up 2lbs but I am under way too much stress at work that I think I am retaining water. I don't eat much and just keep gaining. exercise has been good b/c it clears my head for a little while. hopefully by the end of February I can get back on track b/c the work will be less stressful....right now I just want to quit my job and relax but that doesn't pay the bills.

    Go Canucks Go
    You have to have to have to eat your calories! You will not lose weight by not eating. doesnt work that way. i eat more now than i did before i started losing weight. my body thought i was in starvation mode and would pack on the pounds. thats why the food journal is soooooo important. also with your enimia, ask your doctor about what you should be eating to lose weight, maybe a nutritionist would help? my old roomate had a bunch of medical issues and she went to a nutritionist who helped a great deal. she lost quite a bit of weight then.
    hope this helps.:bigsmile:
  • TashaS
    TashaS Posts: 199 Member
    Hello my fellow canucks... I haven't forgotten about any of you (check in often, just don't post). Had my doctors appointment yesterday and am happy to say that I've only gained 16lbs so far this pregnancy and am at the 29 week mark!! :love:

    I agree with Jay... Krystle you need to eat! Not eating will only make things worse... plus I don't know how you don't eat when your stressed -- when I'm stressed all I want to do is eat, not necessarily the right things but you get the idea. I think talking to a nutrionalist is a great idea!! I even know one, although she lives in Swift Current.... :tongue:
  • madmama
    madmama Posts: 123 Member
    Hey everyone. I am down to 136 mark so that is .5 of a pound down. I have brought my water consumption back to where is should be, I had been under way too much lately.

    Remember to eat and log your food, also I find that exercise is a great stress reliever.

    Good luck everyone. Hope it is a great week.
  • Hey Crazy Canucks!! (funny I just watched that movie last night^^)

    May I join your group? I'm burning fat like lcrazy in Halifax doing Power90 (not brave enough for P90X yet!!) and Taekwondo and watching what I eat. My wife is in this with me and it's going awsomely good, i've lost about 15 lbs in the las 3-4 weeks and I'am feeling great!
  • Jay_83
    Jay_83 Posts: 446
    WoW, 15 lbs in 3-4 weeks is incredible! it took me a year to lose 30 pounds. Great Job!
    Of course you can join the group. We weigh in every wednesday with a new thread that says crazy canucks and the date. everyone posts their weight and how they are doing. we are here for support, so if you have questions just ask. if your wife wants to weigh in with us as well, she is more than welcome.

    Welcome to the Crazy Canucks!
  • okiedoo...

    268.5 today and feeling AWSOME!!
  • Cyndi1
    Cyndi1 Posts: 484 Member
    sure thing....I am in Elmsdale NS as well. We log our weight every Wednesday...I think about doing PX90 starting March 1.
  • madmama
    madmama Posts: 123 Member
    Welcome aboard from Edmonton, AB.
  • Jay_83
    Jay_83 Posts: 446
    This is awesome that everyone keeps posting. Thats the way to keep on top of this!! Great Job Canadians!!

    I am sooooo hungery today! I was really hungery yesturday too, and its not that I'm not eating. I have been eating non stop at work today, yogurts, fruit to go, apple . . . . my metabolism has changed so much its hard to keep up with it. Could it be that I am more thirsty than hungery? I heard that somewhere. Maybe i just need water.

    Krystle, Tasha and I are all from Saskatoon, Sk.
  • sure thing....I am in Elmsdale NS as well. We log our weight every Wednesday...I think about doing PX90 starting March 1.

    i'm doing POWER30 atm, I do have P90X but i'm gonna wait until the spring when i'm done this one ;)
  • madmama
    madmama Posts: 123 Member
    Jay, they say that try drinking water first because it can sometimes make us think that we are hungry even if we aren't. I find that drinking water is a great trick for making the body stop thinking it is hungry, chewing gum, sugarless of course, also does this, at least for me. :happy:
  • TashaS
    TashaS Posts: 199 Member
    Have to agree with madmama... I've also heard that you should try drinking water first. Your tummy 'rumbles" whether its hungry or thirsty. I also try the water first and 9 times out of 10 it's just thirsty.
  • Jay_83
    Jay_83 Posts: 446
    Thanks for the help. I drank two bottles of water while i was still at work, and i have to admit that it really did help. I felt better for the rest of the work day and actually got some work done instead of listening to my stomach growling.:laugh:
    I went to the mall after work and bought a new pair of jeans!!!! Size 29/32!!!!!!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    I am sooooooooo excited!!!!!! before my journey my size was 33/32, so I am so proud of what I was able to accomplish! Yah for gettin in the 20's!!! WOOOOOOOT!!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Yeah Jay, that's great to hear! Thanks for the advise everyone, I will have to try that. I have to admit I am getting better at eating more times of the day, but it still needs work. this weekend I am actually staying in the city so I will be able to do that better compared to weekends away.

    Go Canucks Go
  • HI all

    I'm Kim from Ontario. I am a stay at home mom of two beautiful girls ages 3 1/2 and 14 months. You look like a fun bunch of Canucks ;) Thougt I'd join you.
  • Jay_83
    Jay_83 Posts: 446
    HI all

    I'm Kim from Ontario. I am a stay at home mom of two beautiful girls ages 3 1/2 and 14 months. You look like a fun bunch of Canucks ;) Thougt I'd join you.
    For Sure! Welcome!:bigsmile: :flowerforyou:
  • Hey Canadians! I am joining back in. I started last May with a SW of 121.6 and had a little success. Then we moved from Burnaby, BC to Summerland, BC on December 1st and I've gained 10 lbs since arriving. So my new starting weight is 131.6 and now I'm down to 127.2. I'm doing lots of hill walks and watching my calories like a hawk.

    I can't figure out how to get my counter on here.

    Oh, and that picture is from my July '08 wedding when I weighed GW 115.
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