I got my life back and lost weight too!

It saved my life! every woman should read this!!!
I was diagnosed with about everything under the sun and put on just about every medication known to man and none of them worked. I was obese and addicted to food. I had horrible food cravings like a drug addict. I had no energy. I was depressed, anxious and nervous all the time. I had anxiety and panic attacks that landed me in the emergency room. I cried constantly over nothing. I had severe insomnia. I was diabetic. I had digestive problems and mysterious aches pains and random rashes. I was moody, cranky and sometimes downright hateful and mean. My periods were irregular and erratic. I had clotting and all kinds of awful things. I had severe haedaches frequently and atleast a mild headache every day. Most days I couldn't even leave my house and some days I couldn't get out of bed. almost every day of my life I wished I was dead and some days I would actualy research ways to kill myself on the internet (if you feel like this seek help immediately because there is always light at the end of the tunnel) and vow that as soon as my kids graduated from highschool and moved out I would end my misery.

nobody would help me and the few people who did care enough to help were clueless as to what the problem could possibly be so I did the research on my own and it took me about 3 or 4 years to figure it out but I finaly did, I had a severe hormonal imbalance. A hormonal imbalance can create all kinds of problems from barely noticeable to severe and it's easy to diagnose and fix. I found an amazing place called The Happy Hormone Cottage where I got tested and discovered that I was estrogen dominant and did not have enough progesterone and now I am on an all natural bio-identical progesterone cream which is very inexpensive. I take it once a day and rub the cream into my wrists. I have only been on it for 6 months and all of my symptoms are gone. I have tons of energy, no food cravings, no depression, anxiety, panic attacks. I'm no longer diabetic and I sleep fine at night and no more headaches. I've also lost 42 pounds in 6 months and I haven't even started to exercise yet. It also treats PMS and PMDD. This is something that everyone should look into just to be sure. not having enough progesterone can also cause pcos and miscarriages. A healthy progesterone level helps you carry a baby to term and give birth to a healthy baby.

I don't think anyone should have to go through what I went through not even for a day. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy so if I can help even one person get help it is definitely worth it.

The Happy Hormone Cottage is in Ohio but everything can be done over the phone or computer so they can help anyone in any state all over the USA. There are also other companies that do the same thing it doesn't matter which one you go to as long as you make sure it is all natural bio idntical hormones and not synthetic. It does require a prescription from your doctor and is completely safe. your doctor will determine from your test results if you need it and how much you need. I know this is a weight loss site and I'm posting it here because before I got on the progesterone I couldn't lose weight no matter what I tried and believe me I tried EVERYTHING but now that I've got the progesterone the weight is just falling off which is just an added bonus. The best thing is I'm happy again and I got my life back.. I hope this helps. Good luck everyone and God bless.


  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member

    From the article at science based medicine:
    There is no acceptable evidence that “bioidentical” hormones are safe or effective. Patients should be discouraged from taking them.
    The whole “bioidentical” thing is a pseudoscientific concept: it is a marketing term rather than a scientifically meaningful one. Bioidenticals are promoted by celebrities like Suzanne Somers

    Suzanne Somers....RUN!
  • symkat
    symkat Posts: 70
    All I need to know is that it saved my life and I have proof of that I'm living it every day and everyone who knows me they all see it too. no single thing is going to be right for everybody but if it can help one more person it is worth it. I wish someone would have told me about it a long time ago so I didn't have to lose so many years of my life not knowing what was wrong. I've done alot of research and never saw any celebrities saying anything about it and I don't pay attention to Suzanne Summers so I don't know about that but I do know that it has worked for me. I was warned by the company and my doctor that it has to be all natural bio identical though but I never asked why. the bottom line is as with everything in life, do your own research and make your own decision on what's best for you. the one I take is all natural and prescribed by a doctor. I don't use the OTC stuff because you never really know what all they put in it. as far as trusting the FDA to tell me if a drug is safe to take or not, I was on Seldane when I was a teen for allergies and after a few years they took it off the market cuz it was killing people so if that didn't kill me I'm pretty sure all natural bio identical hormones wont either.