A question for runners, please!



  • lachesissss
    lachesissss Posts: 1,298 Member
    I do a preliminary stretch, walk to warm up and then another set of stretches to get really loosened up. Then when I'm done, I make sure to cool down and stretch again. I also have noticed that lifting helps with the aches. The more regularly I incorporate weight training, the more improvement I see in terms of distance, speed and endurance, with lesser chance of muscle injury and fatigue.
  • beckyboop712
    beckyboop712 Posts: 383 Member
    Tendinitis of the ankles (not the Achilles tendon) can cause that too. I had that in high school during track season. I had to cut my runs in half and run on soft surfaces for a week while on heavy duty motrin.

    But also beware, that pain could turn into or already is a stress fracture.
  • painauxraisin
    painauxraisin Posts: 299 Member
    I am just getting over my shin problems. I am a new runner, too. I do not follow the c25k program, but I am running a 5k anyways on Thanksgiving day. This will set a baseline, and also help raise about $1 Million for the hungry in my city. I feel good about it. I feel great about being able to run! I AM A NONSMOKER, AND IT FEELS GREAT!!!! WOOHOO

    You're brilliant!!!:flowerforyou:
  • Biffa92
    Biffa92 Posts: 29 Member
    I would recommend gait analysis, if you can find a shop near you that does it. Best thing I have done, my new Brooks Glycerins are like putting on my slippers to run!
  • miracole
    miracole Posts: 492 Member
    my favourite suggestions are always:

    1. Stretching (though I don't do enough of this myself)
    2. Physio/massage therapy (my therapist keeps me running...which keeps me from having to see another kind of therapist! :laugh: )
    3. Hot baths with epsom salts to loosen up the muscles
    4. When the pain is REALLY bad or you're stiff and sore to the point of having trouble moving? Icy hot back patches applied to the quads and the IT bands. I know it sounds weird, but I slap those puppies on both legs after a marathon and sleep with them on and by the next day am back to walking with minimal pain (well...as minimal as it gets when your muscles are very very angry with you)
  • mdh185
    mdh185 Posts: 49 Member
    Ice, ibuprofen and rest. You should also consider getting new sneakers.
  • rachelilb
    rachelilb Posts: 179 Member
    I had the same problem when i first started running. I went and got my feet measured and got a great pair of running sneakers and now I am pain free. Good luck!
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    My wife runs a lot -- like 40-50 miles a week lot. She wears by the hard foam roller. Up and down the calves. On the outside of the thighs, up and down from the hips to the knee. Etc. Etc.
    In general, my understanding with that you want to do mostly dynamic stretching before your run, to help warm up and loosen up, and static stretching after a run, to improve your flexibility and work out the knots and kinks from running.
    Good luck. Keep with it.
  • numsquat
    numsquat Posts: 133
    #1 suggestion (as mentioned before) is going to a running store (none of the big box stores), get analyzed and get a shoe that works for you. Also take your most recent shoes in with you as they will also help with the analysis. You will pay more for the shoes but you're also paying for the service and you can always buy more of the same shoes online cheaper from then on.

    I would also suggest reading Running for Mortals if you haven't already. There is a lot of great information and a lot of it is geared towards injury prevention.

    While I don't want to devalue the post intervention suggestions already mentioned, because they are good, but when it comes to ongoing running injuries it's best to figure out what's causing the problem and trying to fix the issue or you will continue to have injuries and deal with them, which is frustrating. It's like having recurring bad headaches. You can continue to have the headaches and medicate them or attempt to correct the problem causing them in the first place.
  • kaytbaggs
    kaytbaggs Posts: 55 Member
    Ive run myself through alot of different types of shoes and aches and pains.

    The solutions that seemed to help me. Like most people said, get your stride or gate checked out, there are plenty of ways to check it out yourself at home, just google it.
    I started with nikes, and while I do agree they are light, they definitely don't provide the support you need. Check out under armor or brooks, they are super light, and they have the support you may need if you continue to lengthen your runs. Nike are great for short runs or circuit training.

    I also find that a hot bath after I run helps me to relax all the muscles that are a pain! I feel like a kid, but if it means I can walk the next day I do it, hahaha

    good luck lady! ;)
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    Hi :)

    I am pretty new to running, just finishing up a couch 2 5k program now. I pushed through shin splints until they finally went away and had been running pain free. But I recently starting pushing myself to either run faster or further during my workouts. Now I have an ache on the inner and outer sides of my lower legs... feels like shin splints, just not on the shin ;) What would you guys do for that? Ice, Heat, Ibuprofen, or maybe those icy hot patches? I only run every other day, so I don't think I'm over-doing it.

    Thanks so much!

    Do you cross train at all? Running can cause your muscles to strain doing weights and yoga really helped me. Just don't do leg weights and run on the same day lol. Streching, warm ups, and cool downs are non-optional. Walk at a brisk pace for about 15 mins then stop strech. Make sure you do that after too :). Also keep in mind your shoes are a lot like tires if you have been putting in a lot of miles new shoes may be in order. Most shos are good to around 2000 miles or so depending on the brand.
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    when I say weights I dont mean barbie doll weights either Try the New rules of lifting for her it will change your runs for the better trust me
  • nphect
    nphect Posts: 474
    make sure you stretch a little before a run, like your calfs and shins. plus focus on your form, wrong form can develop injuries. make sure your running on the balls of your feet so your shifting weight were it should, and pump your arms too. Get those knees up too, to make sure your not putting to much weight on your knees. Other than that its trial and error for me.

    oh yeah and if your shoes are older than a year and your hurting , you should probably get a new pair. Technically you should change em out after 500 miles (for running, you could use them for walking or regular stuff)