Have you changed the food you eat or the way you eat??



  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    For me, a lot of it has been smaller changes adding up to results. For example - we still have tacos, because the kids love them. I just make them with leaner beef, don't pile on tons of cheese (just enough for a taste), don't go overboard with sour cream (again, just enough to satisfy)... etc.

    I've taken some of our other fav recipes and made them healthier, I make sure I serve more veggies, etc. It all adds up, and you don't have to feel like you're missing your favorite foods.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    Yes, I have changed, a little at a time, over the past 5 years, the foods I eat. Now in saying that, occasionally I do drink a soda (non diet) and will eat a candy bar and pretty much what ever I want, the thing is, what I want these days are totally different than what I used to want.

    I try to eat foods as close to their natural state as possible. I have an auto immune disease and I can honestly tell the difference in my pain levels when I eat whole, fresh anti inflammatory foods as opposed to processed crap. Dont get me wrong, there are days that processed crap is going to happen, but my preference is locally grown produce and organic meat, on the days I eat meat.

    With this change in lifestyle, I am now a size 2, 5 years ago I was a 10. Baby steps has allowed me to enjoy this lifestyle, being thin is just a side effect of it.
  • ClementineGeorg
    ClementineGeorg Posts: 505 Member
    Mostly I have changed the way I eat, meaning portion size.
    I actually have eaten quite healthy (not totally) before, but my problem was not stopping in time (meaning calorie goal).
  • mamasmaltz3
    mamasmaltz3 Posts: 1,111 Member
    I am the same. I hate diets. I've done low-carb, low-fat, extremely low calorie and on all of these I have lost a bunch of weight fast, but I couldn't stick to them. This time I am losing more slowly than I ever have but, I don't feel deprived. I work my butt off too. Hopefully someday that statement will be literal. I have been known to do an extra workout at 10 pm because I splurged more than I should have but, then I feel no guilt over my splurge. I'm tired and too old to be beating myself up over everything that goes in my mouth. I cook most of my meals from scratch. I use olive oil and butter and nothing I can't pronounce. I like protein because it tastes good and it keeps me satiated and I like my fruits and veggies cause they taste good and I get my vitamins. I am not scared of carbs. I try to eat whole grains when I have them i.e. whole wheat bread, brown rice, barley (great in my homemade vege beef soup), whole wheat pasta...I choose to eat lower portions of grains because they are relatively high in calories but I don't feel guilty about eating them. I still eat (gasp) chocolate and ice cream, pizza, and anything else I want. But, guess what? When I have them I don't feel the need to binge. I can buy a dove dark chocolate bar and be satisfied with eating 4 squares of it and save the other eight for another time. It is a wonderful feeling of freedom!
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Mostly the way I eat, and that's not even a dramatic change. I'm basically just much more aware of what I'm eating (to the point of obsession sometimes), and weigh and measure everything. I pay attention to my calorie/macro goals and that has the knock-on effect that I no longer regularly eat more than I need. I still consider myself an emotional eater, but MFP helps me keep that under control.

    I haven't cut any food out. The only food I think I've stopped eating is low-fat mayo; I just don't like the taste any more. I do eat a wider variety of food though, so in that way, I've changed some of the food I eat. I eat a lot more veggies and protein than I used to. Even though I still eat pretty much what I like, and plenty of what people might call "crap", the balance of my overall diet has shifted in favour of "healthy", unprocessed, nutritious foods.
  • Dark_Roast
    Dark_Roast Posts: 17,689 Member
    Both. I eat WAY less than I used to and healthier. More protein and less crap food (ie. donuts and brownies) I think about what I eat, and some things aren't worth eating. Moderation, moderation, moderation!

    Oh, and I still drink wine, can't forget that!
  • sarahcuddle
    sarahcuddle Posts: 349 Member
    I've had to change some of the food I eat because before I ate way too many sweet foods and snacks. I am still allowing myself these foods but much less and much less often. Also I love to cook so I can adapt recipes to make them healthier.
  • Linli_Anne
    Linli_Anne Posts: 1,360 Member
    I changed a bit of both.

    The food I eat hasn't changed drastically - but I have made some modifications, like in baking, I have been replacing the oil/fats with applesauce and so far I've found that it isn't making it seem like "diet" food, it still tastes real to me.

    In terms of the way I eat, I'm trying to be really mindful of my portions - I am pretty good at eyeballing my servings from a crazy fad diet I was on years ago, but I still go back to measuring every so often to keep myself honest - I find I actualy tend to be on the smaller/lower end of a serving rather than going over.

    Having said that, if I'm hungry, I'll eat - so, sometimes I do have a second helping, or and extra snack, but this is about my life not a short-term goal of a number.