Looking for more FUN & GREAT (girl) friends!

Here's a little about me. If we have anything in common and you think we'd keep each other motivated, let's be friends :) I have an open diary and love checking what other people eat/snack on/or enjoy at restaurants. I am far from a perfect, clean eater. I'm realistic and enjoy everything in moderation.

My name is Brittany. I'm a 25 year old Libra living in southeastern Minnesota. I'm a licensed funeral director in MN and WI and have a pretty chaotic/random/unpredictable work schedule. Despite all of that, I find the time to work out and have lost almost 20 pounds since starting MFP last Thanksgiving. I enjoy group fitness at the Y, mostly Les Mills BODYPUMP and Sh'Bam, Kickboxing, Zumba (only tried it once), Spin, etc. I finished the C25K program and ran my first 5K in October with a time of 27:43. I signed up for 8 more 5ks in 2013 to keep me motivated. (Stats: 5'8, SW was 164.4, Current weight is 145, goal weight is 140ish).

A few random facts:
1. Biggest pet peeve is when people confuse your/you're or their/there/they're, or use abbreviated words like prego or hubby
2. I've seen every episode of Seinfeld, Six Feet Under, and Sex and the City (despire not really being a TV person)
3. I love cooking and trying new recipes
4. Despite brushing my teeth 4x a day and flossing regularly, I had my first cavity last week :(
5. I love organizing, planning, reading, and cleaning.
6. I have an obnoxious cat named Harley
7. I couldn't walk until I was almost 3 years old. Nothing was wrong with me.. I "just liked to be carried" according to my mom
8. I used to hide in the closet and eat sticks of butter when I was little. I find it repulsive now and only use it for baking purposes.
9. I always follow through on my New Year's resolutions
10. I met my fiance on match.com