Exercise Question (Wii Fitness Plus related)

I have just finished working out on my Wii. I did about 20 minutes of general aeorbic (beginner step/kung fu) and around 15 minutes of rhtymic boxing. The Wii says I worked off about 265 calories but this site puts it at about 435. Which is correct? There is no corresponding activity in the exercise database for the Wii that I have found. Is there a way to get this on there for a better count on this site if I should be taking the Wii calories burned? Hope some of you exercise experts can help this NOVICE. Thanks a bunch and boy do I feel great this morning after working out. That rhythmic boxing can be a workout after you get the hang of it!


  • CBrantner
    I would say the Wii is more accurate. You can update the calories burned on this site when you click on your excersize tab, or you can play with the numbers to make them equal what the true calories burned are.
  • abatres7
    abatres7 Posts: 146
    I use my heart rate monitor when exercising with the wii and the calories it says on the game is closer. Without the heart rate monitor...you won't be able to tell for sure what you burned. For example, you can have two people doing jumping jacks and one can exert more in doing so then another person. That is why estimates don't work as well for everyone.