Breast Reduction??

byHisgrace Posts: 175
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
This has been a long term goal of mine and I have some questions for those of you who may have some experience here.

I know I am going to need a reduction no matter how much weight I lose. I've lost 10lb in about 3.5 weeks, and I feel great about my diet but exercise is hard to find time for and hard to keep doing, partly because of my breasts.

I don't simply want to get down to a weight or size, I really intend to get myself in amazing shape and stay that way. Getting a reduction is going to be a major part of that.

So, does anyone have advice about wating or not for reduction surgery? I know I can't work out the way I want/need to until I have it. I have about 50 lb to go before I am at my goal weight, which I intentionally set very low at 112 lb. I'm getting anxious and would like to just get it done so I can concentrate more on working out and not just trying to lose via dieting. However, I really don't want to have to go back for a lift after I get where I want to be.



  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I had my reduction at roughly 185 lbs. I told the doc I wanted a large B/ small C. Granted, he doesn't pull out a cup and measure while doing the surgery but that was what I wanted. Instead, he made me proportional based on my (then) current body size. While he did a FANTASTIC AMAZING JOB, I went from something-larger-than-a-triple-D to a DD. :indifferent:

    Now, when I told him I had really wanted them smaller, he explained he had no way to gauge and was making them proportional. Fair enough. Then he asked a very important question-- "Do you still have back pain?" Um.... actually.... no! The back and neck pain was gone. I realized this was the goal of my reduction all along, and was suddenly very appreciative.

    I did let him know that I wanted them to be perky, even going to far as to write on them in Sharpie before surgery (because all the cut lines are drawn on in Sharpie, so it was no big deal for me to add a little line) ---- "MAKE 'EM PERKY, DOC :smile:". He laughed when I showed him my message pre-op.

    He did a fantastic job and I am happy with the results, even if I am still a DD.

    Since then, I've lost 30lbs. I have 20 more to go. I never lose weight in my boobs, so they are still the same size and I imagine will always be.

    If you lose weight in your boobs, I'd advise you to wait until closer to goal weight. If you don't lose weight there, then go for it now.

    Just my two cents :smile:

    EDIT ---- OH OH OH!!!!

    After the recovery, I was able to do yoga without my boobs blocking poses!!! I was able to JOG without pain or a black eye!!! My workouts improved SUBSTANTIALLY. I was super thrilled there, especially being able to buy a MEDIUM sports bra instead of stuffing them into an XL that never held them in place!!!
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    BTW, if you are hoping to get the surgery covered by insurance, start looking into requirements now. You wouldn't BELIEVE the hoops you have to jump through for approval. It can take over a year.
  • I had a breast reduction about 7 years ago!! I have to tell you that it is the best thing I ever did for myself and I would do it all over again!!! Im not going to lie the recovery was long and painful but the out come is great!! I had to have one due to back and shoulder pain. I developed very early and it just seemed like they never stopped growing which mad it very hard to do any kind of physical activity... I found my self wearing multiple bras just to keep them in place. The worst side affect I think I had was the scaring. The scares are not pretty but it is a small price to pay when u think of how good u feel! But also my reduction was 7 years ago so they could do things totally different now. Since the reduction I have gone up and down in weight and also had a child about 5 years ago and my bra size has never changed. They have stayed the same since the surgery! I would highly recommend this to anyone who is large in that area! Depending on your size check with your insurance company because you may be able to get the surgery covered. My insurance covered mine 100% Without insurance this is a very costly surgery... it costs more than implants!!
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I had a breast reduction about 7 years ago!! I have to tell you that it is the best thing I ever did for myself and I would do it all over again!!! Im not going to lie the recovery was long and painful but the out come is great!! I had to have one due to back and shoulder pain. I developed very early and it just seemed like they never stopped growing which mad it very hard to do any kind of physical activity... I found my self wearing multiple bras just to keep them in place. The worst side affect I think I had was the scaring. The scares are not pretty but it is a small price to pay when u think of how good u feel! But also my reduction was 7 years ago so they could do things totally different now. Since the reduction I have gone up and down in weight and also had a child about 5 years ago and my bra size has never changed. They have stayed the same since the surgery! I would highly recommend this to anyone who is large in that area! Depending on your size check with your insurance company because you may be able to get the surgery covered. My insurance covered mine 100% Without insurance this is a very costly surgery... it costs more than implants!!

    Surgery is still the same. My sister had one about 10 years ago, I had mine 2 years ago. They still do anchor cuts. My scars extend back well under my arm pits (lower, near the bra line). My scars are worse on one side than the other but minimal on the actual breast. My healing time was about 5 weeks, with 3 weeks of extreme sensitivity and vicodin. COMPLETLY WORTH IT.

    I paid $100 copay for mine with pre-approval through insurance. The total bill on the entire operation was in the neighborhood of $15k.
  • Congratulations on the goals first of all. I love the goals you set for yourself, I will be 40 in a couple of months, and my goal is getting another tattoo-my first tattoo was the goal after losing 70 pounds.

    I had a reduction almost 5 years ago now. It was the best thing I could have done. I had a tummy tuck as well because of the extra skin after having 3 children. My self esteem went through the roof, I felt amazing!

    It does make it easier to work out having a smaller chest, but you have to figure in recovery time. You wouldn't want to get halfway there, have the surgery, then lose a lot of momentum because of recovery, and feel like you're back to square one. There may be exercises that you still may not enjoy doing even after having the reduction. Running, for example, is still not comfortable for me.

    So, my suggestion is to lose the weight first, get to a point you can maintain, then have the surgery. Your body will be where you want it to be, it will be much easier to decide what size you want your new chest to be. Then imagine what you'll look like in a new swimsuit!

    Hope this helps a little. Good luck!
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    BTW if interested in seeing the befores and afters, you can search them online by googling "breast reduction" and looking at the plastic surgeons websites. BE CAREFUL WHO IS AROUND IF YOU CHOOSE TO DO THIS! They do show full nudity, and on the same page you may see tummy tucks, which are also fully nude. So if looking at work or around the family..... keep close watch on who is over your shoulder!!!!!!
  • Thanks for the advice. I've been super thin and my breast size has never changed, so I think I am going to go ahead with it sooner rather than later.

    I have given a lot of consideration to the possibility that I may fall off the wagon during recovery and I just don't see that happening. For one thing, I don't slow down. After natural birth with baby #4 at 7:00 AM, I was only half jokingly asking my doc if I could be released in time to meet some of my breastfeeding clients at the local farmer's market at 1:00 PM for our monthly meeting, lol.

    I want this WAY too badly to let anything drag me down. Losing ten pounds since January 10 has made me feel amazing!!! I can't wait to see what losing the rest of it will do. My hubby has been super supportive too, and he's not the cheer-you-on type of guy most of the time, but he's really into fitness and in incredible shape, so that's another great motivator. He's also supposed to be leaving for Afghanistan on the 20th, and I want to have a whole new body when he comes home for R&R this summer.

    I also have very asymetrical breasts, one is way over a DD and one is about a DD, and the larger one extneds far back into the armpit, there's a name for that and I can't think of it right now. Anyway, that REALLY hinders activities, like working out, yoga would be impossible. It also makes my right arm go numb off and on because the straps of my bra cut into my shoulder so badly. I really think I'll be more motivated, more ready to do the physical work of getting a better body if they are a managable size. I'm mostly afraid of them dropping significantly after losing weight, but it doesn't sound like that should be much of an issue.

    Thanks again ladies!
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Thanks for the advice. I've been super thin and my breast size has never changed, so I think I am going to go ahead with it sooner rather than later.

    I have given a lot of consideration to the possibility that I may fall off the wagon during recovery and I just don't see that happening. For one thing, I don't slow down. After natural birth with baby #4 at 7:00 AM, I was only half jokingly asking my doc if I could be released in time to meet some of my breastfeeding clients at the local farmer's market at 1:00 PM for our monthly meeting, lol.

    I want this WAY too badly to let anything drag me down. Losing ten pounds since January 10 has made me feel amazing!!! I can't wait to see what losing the rest of it will do. My hubby has been super supportive too, and he's not the cheer-you-on type of guy most of the time, but he's really into fitness and in incredible shape, so that's another great motivator. He's also supposed to be leaving for Afghanistan on the 20th, and I want to have a whole new body when he comes home for R&R this summer.

    I also have very asymetrical breasts, one is way over a DD and one is about a DD, and the larger one extneds far back into the armpit, there's a name for that and I can't think of it right now. Anyway, that REALLY hinders activities, like working out, yoga would be impossible. It also makes my right arm go numb off and on because the straps of my bra cut into my shoulder so badly. I really think I'll be more motivated, more ready to do the physical work of getting a better body if they are a managable size. I'm mostly afraid of them dropping significantly after losing weight, but it doesn't sound like that should be much of an issue.

    Thanks again ladies!

    While you may not be one to slow down, recovery requires you to slow down. I've had multiple surgeries in my life and this one was a harder recovery than I expected, with easily one week of sleep and down time. It doesn't take everyone that long, I assure you, but it can be tough. Also, you aren't allowed to lift anything for a few weeks as you heal. Wanted to mention that in case your children are so young that you would have to care for them (since hubby will be away). I'm assuming you have family who will care for you and your family during the surgery and recovery.

    Depending on your insurance, you may not be able to just have the surgery done quickly. You might should starting looking into it now.
  • I'm calling tomorrow and I don't expect too much resistance from my insurance, it's pretty good, but you never know.

    I'm calling Dr. Bethanne Snodgrass who wrote the book When Less Is More, which is a breast reduction tell all. She did the surgery on the sister of a co-worker, who had fabulous results, or so she just told me via email.

    I do realize I'll need to take it easy for a few weeks but I'm confident that won't make me lose my drive. If anything, I think it will increase it. New boobies will need a new matching (smaller) body, lol.

    Our youngest is 2.5 and has autism, so she can be a handful, literally at times when she is trying to harm herself, but I also have 2 teenagers and plenty of friends to help while I am down. Hubby may have just hit a snag anyway, so depending on how long it takes me to get approval, he may be here for the surgery afterall. He's hoping to fly on his current date, but it's all in God's hands, and His timing is perfect :)

    I can't believe how excited I am over this, lol.
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I'm excited for you. Having my reduction was one of the best decisions of my life!
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