30 Day Shred Challenge anyone?



  • AliciaStinger
    AliciaStinger Posts: 402 Member
    I'm in! (I keep saying that...but I'd really like this time to be the one I stick with!)
  • KCrandi
    KCrandi Posts: 125 Member
    Great! I've invited you all. Come and introduce yourselves! :)
    The group is called 30 Day shredders- Holiday Style!
    Looking forward to getting shredded with all of you!
  • Can I join too? If it's not too late?
  • tropaze
    tropaze Posts: 317 Member
    I'm in if it's not too late. I've done it once and could use the jump start to get my tail going again.
  • KCrandi
    KCrandi Posts: 125 Member
    Not too late at all! :) I'll add you to the group!
  • tidesong
    tidesong Posts: 451 Member
    I'm interested...could you add me?
  • KCrandi
    KCrandi Posts: 125 Member
    Added :)
  • Rbecky80
    Rbecky80 Posts: 17 Member
    I'd love to join this! I have done the first two levels a few times, but haven't pushed myself to do the entire 30 days, so this would be great.
  • Meadows18
    Meadows18 Posts: 206 Member
    I'm in, never have done anything like this before and hope it will work. Need something really challenging.
  • KCrandi
    KCrandi Posts: 125 Member
    Great Ladies! Added! :)
  • I would like to join :) I really want to this do, but not alone lol. Hopefully I can do most of it o.o
  • xLexa
    xLexa Posts: 482 Member
    Interested please! I got through lvl 1 before an injury put me off my feet literally, achillies probs are a bugger. Willing to give it another go tho!
  • Jof2013
    Jof2013 Posts: 18 Member
    Where do I join?
  • beckiboo
    beckiboo Posts: 32 Member
    Me please. Bought the DVD for a second time as I lost the first one and have been meaning to set a date to start again!

    Will measure and take some pics tomorrow. It's 28 days until my work Christmas do - so I need something to kick me up the backside! :-)
  • Hi, I just signed in today for the first time. I'll try the 30 day shred. I tried to get into over the summer but had a difficult time. In my new apartment I can't do the jumping jacks because it disturbs the people downstairs. Any recommendations for substitutions?
  • missabeez
    missabeez Posts: 280 Member
    I would like to be a part of this challenge :)

    Just to warn you all though: I work out at the gym for an hour every weekday, and I am very much a believer in listening to the aches and rest days. Plus, Ms. Jillian herself said that the '30 days' is more of a marketing gimmick, and that the program would still be effective every other day...soooo I may be doing the shred 5 times a week maybe? I will start out with it every day and go from there I guess.

    Long story short, I'm in, please add me to the group :P
  • chrissysue
    chrissysue Posts: 85 Member
    I think I already joined.....but I don't see my post....so add me please! Thanks!
  • kristieprn
    kristieprn Posts: 18 Member
    I did my first day today with my 5 year old acting as my trainer, 2 year old jumping around, and hubby laying on the couch. It was a good workout. Each circuit switches so fast that time flies!
  • kristieprn
    kristieprn Posts: 18 Member
    Oh, so add me please!!! I'm new to MFP, not sure how groups work. Will I see something like "my groups" on my profile or do I just look for this thread each day?
    There's a small group running the stairs at work - we just started last week - so between both I hope to accelerate my weight loss!
  • Mangoed
    Mangoed Posts: 6 Member
    I'm in! Please sign me up. I did a post about this earlier but missed yours, and you've got lots of takers! :D
    I'm planning on doing my first day today.