Fat Girls Are A Men's Best Friend?



  • Kris0109
    Kris0109 Posts: 177 Member
    Came here expecting to read the usual "fat girls have to try in bed; thin girls can lay there and look hot" argument. This is more intriguing. Mostly because I have, on occasion, at various sizes, fallen into bed with male friends, sometimes as a perfectly thought out decision, sometimes as a drunken "oops". Sometimes it screwed up the friendship, sometimes it didn't. At the same time, I also have male friends whose wives trust me to sleep in the same bed with and who I gag a little when thinking about sleeping with.

    I guess, really, no two relationships/friendships are the same, though, and making the sweeping statements are going to rile some folks up.
  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member
    I feel like this is a lot of over-generalization, but I do feel like I've been "the fat friend" in some occasions, whether intentionally or not. It's true that with someone who you don't find incredibly attractive (usually for me it's strange or uneven facial features rather than anything weight-related, hah), you tend to let your guard down more easily because you're not as nervous about stupidly needing to "impress" them. So it might be weird to think about them in an intimate sense right away, but it often means you open up to them a lot easier.

    I generally find that the best relationships come when that guard drops sooner rather than later. Besides, once my best guy friend got into an open relationship, we hooked up a few times :tongue:
  • RunWinterGarden
    RunWinterGarden Posts: 428 Member
    Do you have a single brother gschneck that follows your philosophy???!!! LOL ( I am engaged) You are 1 in a million

    Haha, I always wish I had a brother! No such luck! Don't get me wrong, if both were single there are a few I'd seriously consider risking it for, but most likely would refrain