Looking for buddy with similar goals & past...anyone out the

luvmorgan Posts: 4 Member
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Here's my story:

Growing up, I was always very active, thin, & healthy. The weight gain began while taking meds for infertility treatment & subsequent pregnancy with my twins. Then I lost most of the weight only to gain it back within 2-3 months after the loss. At that time I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. I then got pregnant again and gained/maintained more weight. In 2006 I lost 30 lbs on weight watchers & kept it off for almost 2 yrs. However, I started a job in which I traveled 90% of the time...then put it right back on with all my fastfood eating. Here I am today, 200+ lbs wondering what happened to me? I feel lethargic, depressed, and unable to get control of my weight issue (as well as other issues). I know what to do, it's just a matter of doing it. My husband's employer offered an incentive program. My goals were to exercise 5x per week at least 30 minutes. I've been doing this for a total of 11 weeks now. I've got the ball rolling...now it's time to really watch my diet as well. My husband is also trying to lose a few pounds (although he really looks great!) and he is very supportive of me - big or little. He purchased the p90x & I have a Pliates Power Gym (which I love) and treadmill. So, i have the knowledge & the tools....it's all a matter of stamina now.

I am currently at a job that is overnight shift. Although this would be difficult for some, it provides me with time to exercise uninterrupted on my breaks & lunch. It's an asset. It's also a much less stressful position...which seems to be a major contributor to my weight loss aspirations.

IF you have a similar past & would like to be an encouragement to each other, please let me know :flowerforyou:


  • Bretto
    Bretto Posts: 196 Member
    Good luck. I know you can do it. What helps me is when I remember that I get to make the choices. I can Choose to be happy today! I can choose the right foods to eat today! I can choose to exercise today!. Keep at it I know you can do it. They do say losing weight is 90% diet & 10% exercise, so coming up with a heathy eating plan & CHOOSE to stick to it.
  • rgordon60
    rgordon60 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi There,
    I read your story and it sounds like you have started the journey down the road to overall health and fitness. Now that you have the exercise thing down you realize you now have to change your eating habits. Pat yourself on the back!!!!!

    My story is similar, yet different. I am a 60 year old woman who went through menopause this past year. This experience included developing major food allergies and chronic eczema. I joined a gym about 15 months ago and started with weights, the treadmill, and various other machines. After about 3 months I started weight lifting and spinning classes 5 times per week. To date I have lost 16 lbs and 2 pant sizes without major dieting.

    Over the past year I have seen an allergist and an internist in an attempt to resolve my food allergies. Last week I saw a nutritionist who tested me for a number of other things. So, now I am on a regime. While I did eliminate many foods this past year, I just learned that foods may trigger my eczema so I have now eliminated all seafood, dairy, eggs, nuts, wheat, some vegetables and pork - all to which contribute to my food allergies. It may sound like it does not leave me much to eat, but I can still enjoy chicken, turkey, beef, lamb and many fruits and vegetables...and do not let me forget wine! For snacks I eat organic corn chips and popcorn. I also look for desserts I can make from the fruits I can eat like baked pears.

    I also plan to see an endocrinologist later this month. However, after a week and some medication, I have already lost 1 lb and my eczema is going away. The true test, of course, will be in the next few weeks. I will keep you posted.

    So, my advice to you is: give yourself credit for what you have already done!!!! Kudos to you!!! Tell yourself you are ready for the next step - that is to change your diet. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables, lean meats, and drink lots of water. Flavor it with lemon or lime if you like. When you travel and eat out, learn to ask for food that is grilled or baked without a lot of sauces and sodium. Learn to eat more natural foods. Eliminate processed food whenever you can. Educate yourself and take your health into your own hands. It is not so bad, once you get used to it. You also need to accept that losing 1 - 2 lbs per week is great progress!!! Take care and good luck!!!!!
  • luvmorgan
    luvmorgan Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you so much for your response. It is very encouraging :)

    Sounds like you are on the right path too - eczema can be a nasty issue to deal with (my son used to get it due to egg allergies_ By the time we figured it all out, he had almost completely outgrown the allergy. I bet you are feeling so good now that you have narrowed down those allergies for yourself. Best of luck...please keep me posted on your progress.
  • luvmorgan
    luvmorgan Posts: 4 Member
    I like how you emphasize CHOICES...sometimes we feel sorry for ourselves & feel like it's out of our control. But ultimately it is within our control. Thank you for reminding me of that. Also, when I did weight watchers before...I was consistently losing weight until I added exercise to the regimen - then I stopped dropping. I want to be able to enjoy exercising at my own pace & feel a slave to it. So, maybe I will just continue to do it when my body feels up to it instead of killing myself at this point. Maybe the focus should definately be on the diet end. Thanks for your encouragement! :smile:
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