Weight loss challenge

Hello. I am participating in a weight loss challenge and each week we are given a new challenge, we earn points if we are able to follow through. This weeks challenge is as follows:

In the no-starch diet, you need to reduce consumption of starchy foods and processed foods, including rice, potatoes, yams, turnips, corn, peas, potatoes, crackers, cakes, cookies, rolls, biscuits, cereals, pasta and noodles. Replace these foods with healthy fats, protein and carbohydrates such as seafoods, lean meats, chicken, turkey, low-fat dairy products except cheese, fruits of all kinds except canned fruits, legumes, eggs and nuts with the limitation of one ounce per day

...Sooo I work two jobs, 3 days a week-meals are limited. I am good with chicken or turkey...but...any thoughts on what to eat for side dishes?? lol I guess I could get some steamed veggies...minus the peas,corn & potatoes :P