How to make a filling dinner without carbs?



  • RobynLB
    RobynLB Posts: 617 Member
    Soup is a greta idea. When I eat a big bowl of homemade chicken soup it leaves my fuller than just about anything else.
  • MissesForrester
    MissesForrester Posts: 66 Member
    Made this for dinner last night super duper yummy, low calories, filling, and (by chance) no carbs

    1 Med-large eggplant
    1 container cottage cheese
    1.5 bags shredded cheese (I used veggie slices not real cheese)
    3/4 can marinara
    4-5 cloves garlic
    2 cups baby spinach
    handful of basil

    Preheat to 400. Slice eggplant vertically so you have large thin pieces (about 1/4 inch thick by 4-5" wide and whatever the length of eggplant is)
    In lasagna baking pan (9x12 pan) spread a little red sauce on the bottom. Create one layer of eggplant, a layer of sauce sprinkled garlic and basil over sauce, a layer of baby spinach, a layer cottage cheese, and a layer of shredded cheese. Repeat layering with the top layer being shredded cheese. Cover with tinfoil. Bake for 40 minutes, remove foil and bake for an additional 20 minutes.

    Delicious! My husband had it over freshly made bread (for a kind of eggplant parm) I didn't because I hate soggy bread, but I got my carbs in from the delicious red wine I drank with it. You could also serve this with a little pasta for the people who want carbs. here is the nutritional and caloric info

    I broke this down into 9 servings (this makes for rather large servings BTW)

    Per Serving: calories: 184
    carbs: 14
    fat: 5
    protein: 19
    sodium: 768
    Iron: 13

    I believe this would also freeze very well (haven't tried it yet though)

    ETA: I should have said this is LOW CARB obviously it does have carbs just not a lot :) Also I used Fat Free cottage cheese

    I will be trying this!! :happy:
  • Zangpakto
    Zangpakto Posts: 336 Member
    Honestly, carbs aren't the enemy, it is processed and carbs from grains that are.

    Fill up on veggies, have meat, and your good to go. Healthy, no bad carbs, and you'll be full.

    Heck I had 100g meat this afternoon, and do not even feel hungry in the slightest at the moment!

    Carbs are rubbish, or bad processed, grain based ones anyway... bread is just junk FYI... wholewheat or normal, bread is BREAD... Pure junk!

    There is in fact a lot of junk we do not need daily, but as this is about carbs, do not eat normal pasta, nor eat bread or rice.... easy enough... Your body was never ever designed to digest those products efficiently, so why should you have them?
  • AlabasterVerve
    AlabasterVerve Posts: 3,171 Member
    Incorporate natural fats into your dinners and you'll feel full for hours -- your food will taste better too. :laugh:

    That sounds good, but for me, even a meat like pork spare ribs, which have as much fat as they do protein, would *still* leave me feeling hungry after 1000 calories if I don't have at *least* some veggies with it. :smokin:
    Well yeah, me too. I don't eat as many vegetables as I did before going low carb simply because I'm not as hungry (so I'm not trying to bulk up my meals to feel full on less calories) but they still make up a significant potion of my meals -- and way more than the SAD. So my plate is usually about half vegetables and half protein and then I just add as much fat as I possibly can (that makes sense to and enhances the flavor of my food) which keeps me full for at least 5 or 6 hours.

    It wasn't like that the first few weeks though that's for sure, like you, nothing but carbs (ETA: and by carbs I mean grains and starches) would satisfy me. I'm not sure if that was because my body was still producing the enzymes needed to deal with the fat or if it was because I was still in counting calories mode and just not eating enough -- it took me a long time before I was comfortable adding so much fat (and all of those calories!) to my meals.