Accoutability RANT...

Shannonpurple Posts: 268 Member
Accountability: the quality or state of being accountable; especially : an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one's actions

That says it all an obligation to accept responsibility for ones actions. We all have choices we all make choices some of us then blame others for our choices because we are not accountable. It is because our society no longer holds people accountable for their actions. We are like “oh poor so and so had a hard like let the rape, kill and steel” or “so and so if fat because they are sad or their family is bad” and now so and so is so fat they are on disability and taking my tax dollars. All of these “so and so” are the same by my account, LAZY! You always have a choice EVEN when someone is holding a Gun to your head, you have a choice. Make a choice and live by it hold yourself accountably.
I am going for a run.:wink: