
Okay, I'll try & keep it short here :smile:

I'm 35 and, like many, have been overweight my entire life. Used to hover around the 180s (I'm 5'5"), but about 6 years ago...found myself at 250ish...EEK :noway: !! Started cutting down calories last June and have managed to get down to between 200-205...but haven't been able to get back in the 190s yet. I've been stuck at a plateau since Thanksgiving & am trying to get stricter with my calorie counting (hence, coming to this site). I've also recently started the Couch to 5K Program and am on Week 3 Day 2. My ultimate goal is 150. If you want to know anything else...just ask! Look forward to meeting everyone! :happy:


  • skidoonet
    skidoonet Posts: 1 Member
    Good for you!! sounds like you are truly motivated now!!!
  • sjacoby1568
    As you might know, it's not just about reducing calories, but burning more than you take in. The couch to 5k is a great program and I'm sure adding this in will get you jump started towards your goal. Remember, frequency, duration and intensity. Increase one and you can decrease another.
  • susanvoboril
    Hi! I reacenly found this site with the help of one of my friends. Thank you my friend! I have a four and a half year old daughter and have been having trouble getting the extra weight off ever since. With her being 4 I really don't have any excuses any more and figured it was time to try to get back down to my goal weight. I am 5'2 and presently weight 158. My goal weight is 120. I am excited to help cheer on fitness friends to help them feel good about their accomplishments along their way of reaching their goal weight. I am also very excited to get any cheers back along my own journey of reaching my own weight loss goals..