
How much protein should I be eating as a percentage of my daily intake? I googled and got a lot of different answers. Right now I know I'm too low...I eat about 18% protein and the rest is carbs and fat. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    A lt of people go 40/30/30 carbs/fat/protein
  • Well, the RDA is 0.36 grams of protein per pound of body weight. But what are you trying to achieve with your nutrition/fitness right now? If you're going for intense fat loss/muscle buildling, a higher ratio of protein would be ideal. If you're past that point and are just trying to maintain, you might need less. So for example, I'm eating about 50% protein for the phase that I'm in at the moment (trying to cut), but I'll be switching to an even 40% protein/40% carbs in a couple weeks. For most people in an active program, I think that 40/40/20 seems to work pretty well as a goal.
  • repmlrs
    repmlrs Posts: 154
    really depends on what your goals are
  • Depends on your goals, I aim for 1g of protein per lb of lean body mass.
  • julieanne0924
    julieanne0924 Posts: 30 Member
    Thank you for all the input, I so appreciate it. I am still learning about what I should be doing. I guess as simplistic as this sounds, my goal is to continue to make wiser choices with my food and not just look at calories only but at the overall scheme of what I am eating. I am about 10 lbs away from really feeling like I'm ok with how I look. I have upped strength training to encourage more lean muscle and I have continued with my cardio.
  • AnikaP81
    AnikaP81 Posts: 59 Member
    I was told the same thing as Nocturnal - 1g of protein per lb of lean body mass. Of course you have to know what your lean body mass is (weight - body fat). Also for weight loss my nutritionist says 45/35/25 Carbs/Protein/Fat.