Target workouts...

What are your favorite target workouts? for the flabby arms? for the muffin top? Gluts? Thighs?:blushing:
Preferably at home work outs. I have access to weights, and that's about it.

Thanks so much in advance!!!!:flowerforyou:


  • princesspurple
    Do you have ON DEMAND?
  • dporter1183
    dporter1183 Posts: 154 Member
    No, I don't have On Demand, I have Direct TV, but no land line...:huh: I'll be glad when they make it available to those who don't choose to use land lines! But I do have the Fit channel. :smile:
  • candimontoya
    I bought the WII, and it has some fun workout videos. I love the WII plus workout video, its fun and works you out. The whole family can play together.
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    For things on DVD, I have always enjoyed the Crunch series of videos. They tend to get really good reviews too. There is one I was thinking about getting called Crunch Boot Camp. They are only $10 a piece so it seemed reasonable to me. Hand weights and will power are really all you need to do them too.
  • krl523
    krl523 Posts: 53
    Taebo is a great complete body workout. You can do lunges and core workouts at home. I also like to do free weights of various exercises...3 sets of 15 per exercise with the weights (8-10lbs). Any aerobics tape will work your full body. I had lost a lot of weight and then it stopped...aerobics is what made me start seeing results again.
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    You can't target fat loss. Its not how it works... your body will burn fat wherever it is easiest to get energy from. Usually this is where the most fat is stored, be it the butt, the gut, wherever. Exercising a target area is going to build muscle mass, but that won't really get rid of flab, it'll just make the muscles under the flab get stronger.
  • Ashia1317
    I :heart: my stability ball for abs and bench work!
  • mbmomof4
    mbmomof4 Posts: 172 Member
    When I can't make it to the gym, I search for workout videos on Search SparkPeople, they have excellent 10 min. workouts with equipment optional or not needed. I also found another, Core Rhythms, it's a fantastic ab workout. There are many others to choose from. I suggest picking up a workout (stability) ball. There are so many exercises you can do with the ball, just make sure you get the right size for you. Hope this helps. :smile:
  • Mommy08
    Mommy08 Posts: 73 Member
    You can't target fat loss. Its not how it works... your body will burn fat wherever it is easiest to get energy from. Usually this is where the most fat is stored, be it the butt, the gut, wherever. Exercising a target area is going to build muscle mass, but that won't really get rid of flab, it'll just make the muscles under the flab get stronger.

    Although he is correct about target weightloss not working, he is wrong in saying that building that muscle will not fight your flab or just make you look bigger. Building lean muscle mass will burn more calories which in turn burns more fat. So do NOT worry about building muscle, you will not get "fatter". LEAN muscle mass is your friend! Your resting metabolic rate will be higher which means you are burning calories long after you put in your workout :)
  • princesspurple
    No, I don't have On Demand, I have Direct TV, but no land line...:huh: I'll be glad when they make it available to those who don't choose to use land lines! But I do have the Fit channel. :smile:

    dporter....I am all for not purchasing anything new if I don't have to. I could get bored too easily. So you do have the Fit Channel, that is great! I don't have it so I go onto the ONDEMAND and do the free workouts. So w/ you having that channel all of the time, there are so many different classes you can do, many do target area workouts. I love Jillian, Jackie Warner is pretty good too. I did one of each last week w/ just my mat and a 2 five pound weights and my muscles are feeling it!
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    You can't target fat loss. Its not how it works... your body will burn fat wherever it is easiest to get energy from. Usually this is where the most fat is stored, be it the butt, the gut, wherever. Exercising a target area is going to build muscle mass, but that won't really get rid of flab, it'll just make the muscles under the flab get stronger.

    Although he is correct about target weightloss not working, he is wrong in saying that building that muscle will not fight your flab or just make you look bigger. Building lean muscle mass will burn more calories which in turn burns more fat. So do NOT worry about building muscle, you will not get "fatter". LEAN muscle mass is your friend! Your resting metabolic rate will be higher which means you are burning calories long after you put in your workout :)

    I agree in most cases, however if the subject still has large deposits of body fat I think general cardio is a much better way to go. Building muscle will absolutely raise your metabolic rate, but not by that significant of an amount. One pound of lean muscle mass burns approximately 7-15 calories per DAY. You could burn the same amount of calories drinking a glass of ice water. When you're just starting and focusing on decreasing body fat, you'll get MUCH more bang for your buck out of cardio than you will focusing on weight training. It also takes a fair bit longer to build one pound of muscle mass than it does to lose one pound of body fat.

    That said, building muscle is NOT a waste, and in areas where there's not a lot of fat, building muscle mass will help thin the layer of fat because it has to be spread over a larger area. Its good to get a mix, but if you're worrying about losing fat cardio will do far more than muscle mass can.