Do you have a cheat day?



  • Ronngie
    Ronngie Posts: 295 Member
    No, but I occasionally have a treat here & there. I have sushi @ least twice a month.
    As long as I am eating the right foods & I will once in a while have something not terribly healthy. I don't do it all the time, or go on a food bender. I work it into my day, and enjoy it. If you deprive yourself all the time that can lead to behavior that is destructive, just my opinion.
    I understand the theory of cheat days, I just wonder if we are fixing our brains when we "cheat"?
    You aren't going to live without your favorite foods forever, you just find a fit for them! :)
  • alaskaang
    alaskaang Posts: 493 Member
    No I don't have any set cheat days. Are there days that my calories are higher? Absolutely. This is real life and meant to be enjoyed. You have to find a balance that works for you and lets you achieve your goals.
  • UhOhItsKylie
    UhOhItsKylie Posts: 92 Member
    I really dislike the phrasing "cheat day" and "cheat meal". It implies I'm doing something bad, which I'm not. As someone else said, this is real life and sometimes a craving just has to be satisfied. I do my best to keep my indulgences to a reasonable amount, but meh... stuff happens sometimes.
  • NCchar130
    NCchar130 Posts: 955 Member
    I had intended at the beginning to have "cheat days" but haven't really done that. I've had a couple of days where I decided to 'eat first and log later' but I did log and did try to make the rest of the day decent. Most days I have something to eat or drink that would not appear to most to fit with a weight loss plan, but if it fits, I'll have it. Most of the time when I have a day that might be considered a cheat, it's because there is something I was craving for a few days and I see that I've had a deficit from goal for a few days so I know I can go over goal with my craving. And I do, and it has not slowed my weight loss at all.

    Just this past Thursday, I realized I had been about 200 under goal (1640 for me, currently) for a number of days (not on purpose) and was actually feeling a little run down. I also was craving a piece of fried fish and some french fries. SO, I deliberately ate over goal by about 600 calories that day and I went out and got my fish and fries. It was awesome. The next day (yesterday) I went out with coworkers for Japanese for lunch and ended up over goal by a few hundred. It seems to have worked out well though because all during my lower-than-normal deficit, my daily weigh-ins showed minor fluctuations around my last official lowest weight. But this morning, I saw a 3 pound drop.
  • asugar
    asugar Posts: 181 Member
    I sort of have cheat days. I like to have some really good bread, wine and occasional pizza or wings as a special treat. i try not to do that more than once a week. My husband is very good and has a cheat meal every other week or so if we go out to a restaurant or if he wants a couple beers with the game. He has lost 30 lbs. I have lost 2 in a year. why is it so much easier for men?
  • mikehig
    Yes but it's a cheat meal rather than all day. Every week. Usually main meal of the day being either takeaway or a meal out with wine. If @ home, wine plus treats eg chocolates etc. I try to do extra exercise that day to help offset. I think it really helps stop the cravings that otherwise build up. 6 days out of 7 is pretty darn good ! (85%) We're all human !
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    It's not really cheating if I am following the rules I made for myself......

    Which basically, as long as I don't really go over my "weekly calorie goal" it's all good.

    So if I know I have a special event or am planning a higher calorie dinner or my son makes cupcakes.... I just exercise a bit more and eat a bit less the days or 2 before or after.
    Once a month we have a game night with homemade pizza and friends bring snacks.
    Once or twice a month my husband treats us to Steak and Shake or Panera.
    Once a month my son makes a super yummy dessert.
  • Mich4871
    Mich4871 Posts: 143 Member
    I HATE the phrase cheat meal...

    I have treats, but for me this is a healthy lifestyle so there is no such thing as cheating!

    Exactly this! I have a hard time eating "junk" (my go to "cheat" meal is a juicy burger and fries), but since I started eating healthy my body actually rejects the bad stuff. I basically eat what I want, but I excercise a ton.
  • BrookeBQ
    BrookeBQ Posts: 163 Member
    I personally don't believe in doing cheat days, I would just go crazy and out of control and undo my hard work thinking "I really do deserve pizza and McDonalds". I practice everything in moderation.
  • Car0lynnM
    Car0lynnM Posts: 332 Member
    I usually have one day or meal a week that I determine I'm not going to hold back. It isn't always the same day, just depends on what is happening. Dinner out with friends, girl's day out, date night with hubby...those are all occasions for 'relaxing' a bit. (I don't use the word 'cheat' either-this is a lifestyle change and if you can't teach yourself how to allow for life, then it's not going to work long term.)
  • helen8kids
    helen8kids Posts: 44 Member
    I believe in indulging every once in a while. Though I wouldn't do it until you have been following your program for some time and will have the motivation to go back to it. Instead of a cheat day how about a cheat meal?
  • ma_oeuvre
    I have a treat day and cake is usually involved :)

    I've only been back on MFP for 11 days, so I'm still very enthusiastic and determined, but I know myself well enough to know that sometimes, a cheat day might well be messy, but I promised my self I would log everything. For me, the cheat / treat day is psychologically beneficial :)
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    I don't dedicate a day what I do is just eat what I want and then exercise to bring myself back down to where I can eat dinner or something..........
  • manwithpans
    manwithpans Posts: 41 Member
    I use the eat this not that book on restaurants when I eat out. You have to keep from being the odd ball in a group. Plus its not fair for kids to never go to a McDonald's and get them a happy meal or kid food. So I still go out to eat with the family I just know what Im gonna order before I get there.
  • Wwonderful
    Today was my cheat day, you can check out my diary. I love cheat days I eat any and everything that I want, and I cannot wait to get back on track, the next day. My metabolism is so sky high, that not only do I lose my cheat day weight, I also lose an additional 2 to 3 pounds every week!
  • mamasmaltz3
    mamasmaltz3 Posts: 1,111 Member
    Today was my cheat day, you can check out my diary. I love cheat days I eat any and everything that I want, and I cannot wait to get back on track, the next day. My metabolism is so sky high, that not only do I lose my cheat day weight, I also lose an additional 2 to 3 pounds every week!

    Ok, so I did look at your diary and I have a couple questions if you don't mind?
  • Wwonderful
    Not at all, you can even pm me if you want.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    I think it's really easy to undo all your hard work with a cheat day. I'll have them once and a while (hello Thanksgiving!), but not weekly.
  • mamasmaltz3
    mamasmaltz3 Posts: 1,111 Member
    Not at all, you can even pm me if you want.

    Well, first question is: Did you really put 14 tsp of sugar in your oatmeal this morning?

    Second: I notice you don't log dinner on your non-cheat days and your calories are really low. Are you just not logging everything or do you really eat that little?

    Third: How do you keep from puking all that chocolate?:sick: That was a joke, I could totally down all that chocolate, lol.

    Editing to say that I looked at more days of your diary and there is no way you are really eating that stuff! Where is your protein? Fruits? Vegetables? If this really is your diet you are seriously lacking some minerals and vitamins.
  • Wwonderful
    Yes, I did with the oatmeal, yes, my calories are that low because I usually Intermittent fast during the week and 3rd, I almost did puke all that stuff up. LOL. And I could hardly move. I am so full during the day, that I skip dinner.