Hashimotos, 260 pounds and 1100 calories

Hi all,

It have always been the chubby kid since I was 9. My mothers side of the family have always been large. In my mothers side of the family, we have had 4 family member who have had gastric bypass and two who have had gastric banding. The people who have had the gastric bypass have stayed slim for 10 years. The ones with the banding not as much success. Maybe I am jealous that I don't have the cash to pay for it.

10 years ago I was diagnosed with hashimotos a thyroid disease. I find it incredibly hard to lose weight. I reduced portion size and exercised but the weight took forever to come off. I had lost 20kg in a year and a half but then I put it back on in 6 months after I was made redundant and was sexually harassed at work. Due to the added stress I stopped working out and ate for comfort. Shortly after that I got pneumonia and it took a long time to recover.

After years of not being treated correctly for my thyroid condition, I found a doctor who finally agreed to send me to a specialist. The first thing he said was I can help you, but you need to help me. First lose 20kg. 2nd get tested for sleep apnea. He told me that with my thyroid enlarged as it is it will stop me from breathing at certain times. I told him how if I tilted my head back too sharply I would choke or if I brought my chin to chest the same thing would happen. It makes sense why I now snore. I never used to.

I said to him that losing weight takes forever to fall off me. I told him how I tried 1200 calories and I would lose only 300grams. He smiled and said that's why you'll be doing 1000 - 1100 calories. I said that's starvation mode for my weight that it will slow down my already slow metabolism. He smiled again and said that's why I will give you a list of things not to eat. No pasta, no rice, no bread, no veg that grows underground, no veg that is orange or yellow. No juice, no tropical fruit. No soft drink or diet soft drink. I should have asked him what I could eat.

The first couple of days I lived for the next meal. I started on a Monday, by Wednesday I had headaches,the sweats and mind fog. I would have these extreme moments of low and then have a crazy high, where it seemed to be a manic episode. Since I was at work I tried hard to keep it hidden. I had to come clean with my manager after one outburst. He kind of understood. By Friday it calmed down. It's Sunday and I feel better. I do feel restricted as I don't like fish or eggs. I am trying to find meals that add bulk with next to no calories.

So far I have lost 2.8kg which is 6.2 pound in 5 days. Even though I have scales at home, I use the one at work. I have joined the weight loss group at work and their scales have me heavier. It means that I am not weighing myself every second.

Looking for someone who can lend me support and vis versa.


  • Bernadettetoo
    Sounds like he has you on a very low carb diet.
  • MissJanet55
    MissJanet55 Posts: 457 Member
    Happy to offer support any way I can.

    Right off the bat I would say to weigh yourself on the same scales every few days so you are comparing the same thing - some will read differently, as you've seen.