Hurt knee interrupted workouts... I've lost all motivation



  • triggsta
    triggsta Posts: 140
    First month of starting to lose weight and I get tendinitis in my ankle. I was put in a soft cast (and then a boot) with crutches for about a month. At first I was devastated, but I did something a little different... I went IMMEDIATELY to a doctor. They actually commended me for coming in so soon, and it was for that reason that I was able to recover as quickly as I did. A month of no use with that ankle and then I came back and got a personal trainer and a physical therapist. My ankle is now stronger than ever.

    But what can you do in the meantime? Obviously I wasn't even allowed to WALK, so it really hurt my motivation... at first. Then I remembered that wise little saying that people love to spout, "Abs are made in the kitchen." So I focused on my diet. I missed being able to workout at the gym, but I would go occasionally and do the arm bike or I would do my favorite p90x shoulders and arms routine at home. There ARE things you can do without use of your legs... look at wheelchair workouts!

    Just because your legs need a time-out doesn't mean your weight loss does.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Work your hip abductors. Strangely enough some knee problems can be because of those muscles being neglected.

    BTW there are heaps of ways to do the same workouts without the ball. Once I started doing it for myself my knee problems went almost instantly & this let me continue running.
  • rapat
    rapat Posts: 108 Member
    Hey guys,

    So as a change up to my workout routine, I began the Insanity program a little over 3 weeks ago. I was doing great for a couple weeks and making progress and seeing results, and then last week (a week ago from wednesday) my knee, which has been hurting on and off for the last couple of years, really began to hurt. Minus a two mile run last monday, and the general walking I do during the day, I haven't been doing ANY exercise in hopes that I'll wake up and my knee will be fine (which is what has always happened before) and I'll be back to the videos. The problem is that my knee has been hurting more and more, even walking up and down stairs and sitting down, every single day. At least for a week and a half, it's been affecting my diet negatively and putting me into almost a depression because I can't workout and I mentally want to punch myself into a wall. I don't know what to do, I don't know which exercises I can do without hurting my knee more... I even tried an elliptical for a little while but it hurt because it requires I bend and unbend my knee.

    I'm also afraid to see the doctor because I'm scared of being told that I can't workout for a while and I'll gain all my weight back. It was around this time last year that I stopped dieting/working out and gained all my weight back and I'm TERRIFIED of that now.

    :( Help me.

    See a doctor -- if cost isn't a concern.
    If you don't then think about using a stationary bicycle or elliptical for cardio. Then work your way back up to the treadmill -- or to insanity. Insanity/P90x are tough on the knees. There's ways to burn calories without having that kind of strain.
    I've got 3 lingering injuries that get strained more easily so I just pay attn. and if I'm feeling warning signs then I ease up on that part / exercise for a few days.
  • VogtAndrea
    As with everyone else here.... I'm going to tell you to go see your doctor and ask what they suggest you do. Revamp your diet and maybe look at things like yoga, tai chi, aquafit, some pilates, some weight training, and things that aren't weightbearing so you're not stressing that knee while it heals. Believe me, you can find things to do that don't hurt, eat properly and lose weight without hurting yourself.