
I just wanted to pop in and say Hi! My name is Heidi and I am a 31 year old single mother. I put on about 30 pounds since June...in the span of 6 months I graduated college, studied for (and passed) my state boards, found a new job, and relocated. All that stress and bad eating put on the pounds and I didn't realize it until i got sick and got weighted at the doctors. I was looking for a way to track my calories and I found this site. Although I think the calories it gives me is too many I am trying to stay just a little under them. It gave me about 1,600 so I try to stay in the 1,400 range. My weak point is exercise because I have a really active job, I am a Occupational Therapy Assistant, so I go home exhausted and not wanting to do any more exercises. But the conundrum is I rehab patients to make them better and often give healthy living advice and I don't want to be THAT health care worker who gives advice but doesn't follow it. So if anyone has any tips or tricks to help me I would just love it!

Have a good day!
