How does BL do it?



    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    I watch BL, but I know better. I just watch for the drama and how they edit things to make the drama.

    They are in a unique situation and you can't expect people with normal lives to be able to meet those rigid standards. Also, it was said by previous contestants that a week at the ranch is more than 7 days, so keep that in mind.

    A week that is longer than 7 days. God never let me go that place. 7 days is long enough for me!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    Besides the health risks of trying to create a giant deficit, a positive attitude is one of my top 5 things to have when changing your lifestyle.

    I completely agree. Working out and eating right are obviously critical pieces of the puzzle, but if you have a bad attitude about weight loss, you're probably setting yourself up for failure.

    The fact is, it's possible to be working your butt off and eating all the 'right' things, and STILL have weeks where you don't see a drop on the scale. If you have a bad attitude, this can be enough to throw you off the wagon. It's important to know that, when losing weight and getting healthy, you WILL have your setbacks. Everyone does. It's how you handle those setbacks that will really determine whether or not you find success.
  • BamaRose0107
    Besides the health risks of trying to create a giant deficit, a positive attitude is one of my top 5 things to have when changing your lifestyle.

    I completely agree. Working out and eating right are obviously critical pieces of the puzzle, but if you have a bad attitude about weight loss, you're probably setting yourself up for failure.

    The fact is, it's possible to be working your butt off and eating all the 'right' things, and STILL have weeks where you don't see a drop on the scale. If you have a bad attitude, this can be enough to throw you off the wagon. It's important to know that, when losing weight and getting healthy, you WILL have your setbacks. Everyone does. It's how you handle those setbacks that will really determine whether or not you find success.

    Well Said MercuryBlue!!!
  • Hollycat
    Hollycat Posts: 372
    If you want the absolute truth from the proverbial horse's mouth with all the details, the twin BL's from the 4th season, Bill & Jim Germanakos, have a website [their program is called "RAM - Rapid Action Metabolism"] and for $106.50, you'll get an e-book, e-journal, extensive online menu planner and exercise video downloads wherein they reveal it all. Just got it the other day and I'm partway through. Veeery interesting... I'm not going to reveal the 'secrets' because I paid for them. Sorry. I'm poor and greedy :devil: and, more importantly, I believe in giving credit where it's due. :wink:
  • Hollycat
    Hollycat Posts: 372
    P.S. I won't profit if you buy it.
  • aprildh
    Thanks again everybody for the comments. I am loving the discussion. I am a reader, but I did not know those books/websites were out there. I do agree that a positive attitude is crucial to success. It just absolutely astounded me to see those two at home couples lost that kind of weight in a month. I figured they had to have some plan in place we don't know. I am working out everyday now (a big improvement from almost never) this last month and everyday I feel stronger. It is a sacrifice now to find the time to workout 30-45 minutes, but I tell myself everyday that it is okay because my health is a priority too!! This is a lifestyle change for me. Having a plan and a goal and someone(MFP) to be accountable to helps.

    As far as the show goes, I do not like that it takes over 40 minutes to watch these guys weigh in. I want to see their lives change, but I am not into the drama. We always DVR it and then fast forward. That is about the only way I get anything watched.
  • txcwgirl
    txcwgirl Posts: 127 Member
    Hollycat - once you start the program will you post on how you are doing? not what you are doing but if it is working for you?
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    If you want the absolute truth from the proverbial horse's mouth with all the details, the twin BL's from the 4th season, Bill & Jim Germanakos, have a website [their program is called "RAM - Rapid Action Metabolism"] and for $106.50, you'll get an e-book, e-journal, extensive online menu planner and exercise video downloads wherein they reveal it all. Just got it the other day and I'm partway through. Veeery interesting... I'm not going to reveal the 'secrets' because I paid for them. Sorry. I'm poor and greedy :devil: and, more importantly, I believe in giving credit where it's due. :wink:
    Wow, I can't believe they are trying to sell a system based on weight they loss on a TV game show. That's almost borderline criminal IMO. And publishing unhealthy 20 lbs/month loss is irresponsible. It's unfortunate that people desperate for weight loss still fall for these "get-skinny quick" schemes all the time.
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    I would lose huge amounts of weight a week in the beginning. If you are very obese you can drop weight very quickly. It slows down more and more the closer you are to your goal.
  • BamaRose0107
    If you want the absolute truth from the proverbial horse's mouth with all the details, the twin BL's from the 4th season, Bill & Jim Germanakos, have a website [their program is called "RAM - Rapid Action Metabolism"] and for $106.50, you'll get an e-book, e-journal, extensive online menu planner and exercise video downloads wherein they reveal it all. Just got it the other day and I'm partway through. Veeery interesting... I'm not going to reveal the 'secrets' because I paid for them. Sorry. I'm poor and greedy :devil: and, more importantly, I believe in giving credit where it's due. :wink:
    Wow, I can't believe they are trying to sell a system based on weight they loss on a TV game show. That's almost borderline criminal IMO. And publishing unhealthy 20 lbs/month loss is irresponsible. It's unfortunate that people desperate for weight loss still fall for these "get-skinny quick" schemes all the time.

    I don't know if marketing this to the main population is a good idea. On the show the contestants are closely monitored by proffesionals because it is such an extreme and intense program. Are they expecting the general populational to do the same or are they just trying to make a buck. Sounds very irresponsible to me.