not hungry?

i haven't had very many calories today but i'm just not hungry. everything sounds a little gross. anyone else ever get this way? I want to eat my calories but nothing sounds good at all.


  • beqy12
    beqy12 Posts: 569
    I get that way sometimes and it always makes me so confused because I'm usually allllwaayyysssss hungry. When I get that way I think "this is great! I'm not even hungry, I can save so many calories!" but know if I don't eat anyways I'll just end up eating a tonnnnn later, even if I don't get all that hungry. The weird things our body does????
  • youngs
    youngs Posts: 250 Member
    done this about 2 days ago..i was only at 533 for all my meals..but I made myself eat up the calories cause I am afraid of putting body into starvation..I would suggest coming up with something...if you have alot left maybe treat yourself to something special..but i would say you need to use most of them..
  • geekyjen
    geekyjen Posts: 103 Member
    thanks. good to know i'm not alone. i ate some fruit and pretzels and went grocery shopping (good to go when not hungry :smile: ) and hopefully stuff will sound better tonight.