IPhone App

The best thing I've done this year is put the MFP app on my IPhone. I log every single thing that I eat or drink every day, it's certainly opened my eyes to what I was actually putting in my mouth calorie wise. Because of this I've lost about 6lbs in just over 2 weeks ... Amazing!!! i'm not really exercising (hate it!) & I've managed to keep my calorie count down to around 800 a day (1200) is my set amount, I'm even eating low fat cheese and had a choc bar lol. Bought some accurate digital scales to make sure i'm keeping my portions correct. At the age of 47 i'm feeling the need to keep those pounds off before they get a real grip on my waistline, this app has made it easy. No more Atkins or starving haha, just sensible eating. I really love the fact that mfp isn't totally Americanised and I can find loadsa UK foods from Tesco etc & can even log my own foods, Awesome!!!


  • Jesusfollower72
    I agree. I actually found the app before I knew about the website! I love that the members add to the food database.
    God bless,
  • CasaMia
    yeah me too this is the first time ive been on the actual website!
  • MonkeyMacias
    I also agree that the ability to input your own meals is a BIG plus that this program has to offer! Other online management programs don't allow members to input meals, so I don't think you're able to accurately measure your intake.

    I have also noticed that this site has a great variety of ethnic foods, which is Perfect! Living in a big city, it's totally possible to eat Mexican food for breakfast, Vietnamese food for lunch, Japanese for dinner! HAHA. Of course, I try to control big meals though, so I eat out at restaurants less often. (That helps save $$ too, honestly!)

    Like Karen, I also discovered the app before the website. The app is good on the run, but I love that I can take the time to input at the office or at home on the computer. BOTH are important: the app has the "Nutrient Summary" that's not on the website.... and the website provides those cool report print-outs.

    :) All in all, this program has made me a happy girl!