Low Carb vs. Moderate Carb



  • stephdeeable
    stephdeeable Posts: 1,407 Member
    I eat between 200-300 g of carbs a day. If 50g is moderate...I'm like super carbs. haha.
  • lacewitch
    lacewitch Posts: 766 Member
    i completely ignore carbs as long as my 'added' processed and artificial sugars are low
    unfortunately all my trigger foods are high added sugar so i fall off this wagon occasionally

    but i find that trying to cut down on processed/ packaged food keeps my carbs in check and i get more fiber and protein, loose weight, don't feel hungry and feel good about myself

    when i fall off the wagon - the foods are sweet and yummy but i feel sluggish bloated and :(

    this is what works for me!
  • Rodhands
    I did low carb as a vego a few years ago (bodybuilder PT at the time forced it upon me...) less than 40g per day, after eating probably 250-300g. it sucked. I felt sick, had no energy, couldn't concentrate (was studying for my finals at the time). didn't lose weight even though I only did it for a week.

    sometimes reducing carbs helps. some people can eat very low carb and feel good. others cannot.

    if you think that carbs are your problem area, slowly reduce them. I don't recommend dropping them really low, you will feel terrible. look up carb cycling - I find it really effective for weight loss (I only do it for max 2 weeks at a time though). or as I said slowly reduce them most days but have a day where you're consuming a far amount.

    you do realise that only doing ti for a week you gave your body no time to adjust?

    Your not going to get over the initial carb defecit in a week
  • Breadoholic
    Breadoholic Posts: 75 Member
    Honestly if you eat a well balanced diet you will naturally lose weight... obviously you will need to reduce the amount of calories you consume also. I think stick to complex carbohydrates and eat them during breakfast and lunch... then you can burn them off during the day. Try sweet potatoes... they're better for you than potatoes. Brown rice and wholegrain breads are great and will give you a lot of energy.

    Good luck,
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    I'm somebody who went from Atkins to higher carb. I successfully lost weight with Atkins a few years ago. I changed to a diet higher in complex carbs and with frequent, small meals due to medical advice. I'm afraid to say that I gained all the weight back and more (a LOT more!).

    However, when I did Atkins, it was effectively low-calorie. I was often eating normal food but leaving out the carb portion, so was obviously eating less. I tried tracking calories and I was eating roughly 1400 calories a day on Atkins. It seemed to suppress my appetite a little, and help me go longer between meals. Obviously, when I ate more "normally" the calories were going to go up and I was going to gain weight. There may well have been other reasons for weight gain around that time too (including just getting older).

    I am now eating carbs, but I'm careful with portion control. I will have a SMALL amount of pasta/rice/potato/bread/etc. Frequent, small meals don't suit me, so I stick to the three meals a day (which is roughly what I was doing when I was on Atkins).

    Speaking for myself, I think the key things that "worked" for me with Atkins was the appetite control and just the fact that the food wasn't so available.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I eat between 200-300 g of carbs a day. If 50g is moderate...I'm like super carbs. haha.


    Carbs are awesome!
  • Natashaa1991
    Natashaa1991 Posts: 866 Member
    high carb f* yeah!
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    while we here , im on KETO (less than 20g a day) i find that i binge heavy on weekends instead of eating high fat and high protein ... gaining even more weight on keto because of the weekends and the urges are uncontrollable . i think around 50g is more appropriate and will still have amazing results during a cut ?
    TRISTAR Posts: 105 Member
    Same for me.
    Low carb 20-40g/day rocks...its the "only "way to go. No cravings, no hunger, feel great.
    If your body likes it, you`ll know, if it doesn`t..oH boy will you know...
    There is no "One" way to do it, or preset carb level, everybody has to find his/her way. Best of luck you deserve to give yourself the chance to succeed.

    Ditto! For me low carb means no migraines, no cravings, no hunger, no gluten, more energy, better sleep, clearer skin, and less weight to carry around. My body loves it!
  • sammniamii
    sammniamii Posts: 669 Member
    I do moderate carb - I aim to try for 100 or less (although lately I've been 150ish) but considering what & how I used to eat, it has been a big difference. Also I found out I was gluten sensitive, pre-diabetic, and every low-fat diet failed. For me, moderate carb has helped; I do eat sweet potatoes, brown rice once in a while.... but I have dropped most things like bread (gluten). My blood pressure has dropped and my blood sugar leveled. Since watching the carbs/gluten, I also feel better and have considerably less GI/stomach issues.

    But every person if different - if you wan low carb (true) there is NO bread, rice, pasta or potatoes. Moderate carb (100-150) is doable, but things like WHITE potatoes, white rice, white bread is out. Whole grain, sweet potatoes (in moderation) and brown rice are ok, but in moderation. You will have to cut out alot of sugar - juice, fruit, sweets, soda, etc. That will make a big difference no matter what you end up choose.
  • FabulousKP
    FabulousKP Posts: 97 Member
  • Rodhands
    while we here , im on KETO (less than 20g a day) i find that i binge heavy on weekends instead of eating high fat and high protein ... gaining even more weight on keto because of the weekends and the urges are uncontrollable . i think around 50g is more appropriate and will still have amazing results during a cut ?

    Keto for bodyshaping is a more difficult process and requires much more focus.

    I would say that if you binge heavy on weekends then you are not on Keto at all, as Keto is a lifestyle choice and not something you can achieve monday-friday. The reason you are gaining weight is because you are not getting into ketosis consistently due to the binging.

    I am a former massive lad (280lbs, now 223lbs) and I have no issues with cravings on this diet.

    having said that one size does not fit all when it comes to diet and you must be doing something right as you look great so dont worry your not "on keto" you low carb diet is working for you.
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    Atkins and the other low carb nonsense have gone the way of the other fad diets. Make sure you balance your macros and watch your calories while eating healthy foods. Your body needs carbs and if you go too low for too long you are at a higher risk for a variety of health issues. Just make sure that your carbs are vegetables, fruit and whole grains.
  • Rodhands
    Atkins and the other low carb nonsense have gone the way of the other fad diets. Make sure you balance your macros and watch your calories while eating healthy foods. Your body needs carbs and if you go too low for too long you are at a higher risk for a variety of health issues. Just make sure that your carbs are vegetables, fruit and whole grains.

    Nonsense, typical industry drivel.

    No one way of dieting works for everyone.

    I am on an ultra-low carb diet and feel better and more energetic and thinner and developing more muscles because of it.
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    Atkins and the other low carb nonsense have gone the way of the other fad diets. Make sure you balance your macros and watch your calories while eating healthy foods. Your body needs carbs and if you go too low for too long you are at a higher risk for a variety of health issues. Just make sure that your carbs are vegetables, fruit and whole grains.

    Nonsense, typical industry drivel.

    No one way of dieting works for everyone.

    I am on an ultra-low carb diet and feel better and more energetic and thinner and developing more muscles because of it.

    What industry is that exactly? Go read the literature on it - medical, scientific literature and then talk. The reality is Atkins and low carb will help you lose weight but it will be for short term loss and puts you at increased risk. Atkins was trying to sell books.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I don't know if anyone has pointed this out yet, but the main reason you see such huge losses on low-carb is because carbs help your body hold water. So you will likely see some water weight gain at first, but that will level off. There's no reason, short of a medical issue, that you shouldn't have success on a healthy, balanced diet that includes carbs.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Atkins and the other low carb nonsense have gone the way of the other fad diets. Make sure you balance your macros and watch your calories while eating healthy foods. Your body needs carbs and if you go too low for too long you are at a higher risk for a variety of health issues. Just make sure that your carbs are vegetables, fruit and whole grains.

    Nonsense, typical industry drivel.

    I assume you mean the grain industry. So therefore I must point out that human beings have been eating grains for centuries.
  • Rodhands
    Atkins and the other low carb nonsense have gone the way of the other fad diets. Make sure you balance your macros and watch your calories while eating healthy foods. Your body needs carbs and if you go too low for too long you are at a higher risk for a variety of health issues. Just make sure that your carbs are vegetables, fruit and whole grains.

    Nonsense, typical industry drivel.

    No one way of dieting works for everyone.

    I am on an ultra-low carb diet and feel better and more energetic and thinner and developing more muscles because of it.

    What industry is that exactly? Go read the literature on it - medical, scientific literature and then talk. The reality is Atkins and low carb will help you lose weight but it will be for short term loss and puts you at increased risk. Atkins was trying to sell books.

    I did extensive research on the entire Keto process before I took the plunge, taking risks with my health wasn't of interest to me. Know what I found? That there are a myriad of studies and literature both for and against low carb options, I bet if we spent the time we could both come up with 50+ different articles etc. Know why? because the human body is ridiculously complex and it is immensely arrogant to think that we properly understand all the nuances of it.

    once again I am not saying that high carb diets are bad, or that any kind of diet except starvation is bad, what I am saying is that no 1 kind of diet fits everyone (assuming most diets include calorie defecit) and for some people low carb diets are perfectly legitimate.

    I have had my blood work done during this process and all of the vital statistics are BETTER now than they were when i started the process.
  • tdbad1
    tdbad1 Posts: 87 Member
    I did the Adtkins diet a few years ago and it not a pleasant experience. Now my carbohydrate approach is to avoid refined or processed carbs. I eat a lot of vegetables and for the most part only eat things I have made from scratch instead of pre prepared. This way I control what is in my food and avoid all of the added sugars and sodium. I still eat the occasional rice, pasta, potatoes etc in moderation (each one less than once a week usually). One thing I have found is when I make things from scratch I can eat more of them and fit within my calories count and macros. I have a busy schedule so preparing a lot of veggies makes things simple.

    ive never done Atkins, ive too much an addiction to carbs. but i agree with the rest...just choose your carbs wisely and cook from scratch whenever you can, its better for you, and actually a lot of fun!
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    Atkins and the other low carb nonsense have gone the way of the other fad diets. Make sure you balance your macros and watch your calories while eating healthy foods. Your body needs carbs and if you go too low for too long you are at a higher risk for a variety of health issues. Just make sure that your carbs are vegetables, fruit and whole grains.

    Nonsense, typical industry drivel.

    No one way of dieting works for everyone.

    I am on an ultra-low carb diet and feel better and more energetic and thinner and developing more muscles because of it.

    What industry is that exactly? Go read the literature on it - medical, scientific literature and then talk. The reality is Atkins and low carb will help you lose weight but it will be for short term loss and puts you at increased risk. Atkins was trying to sell books.

    I did extensive research on the entire Keto process before I took the plunge, taking risks with my health wasn't of interest to me. Know what I found? That there are a myriad of studies and literature both for and against low carb options, I bet if we spent the time we could both come up with 50+ different articles etc. Know why? because the human body is ridiculously complex and it is immensely arrogant to think that we properly understand all the nuances of it.

    once again I am not saying that high carb diets are bad, or that any kind of diet except starvation is bad, what I am saying is that no 1 kind of diet fits everyone (assuming most diets include calorie defecit) and for some people low carb diets are perfectly legitimate.

    I have had my blood work done during this process and all of the vital statistics are BETTER now than they were when i started the process.

    Still waiting on what industry I represent . . . .

    Of course your stats are better - you lost a lot of weight. That's why Atkins and low carb was so popular - they worked at least for the short term. The issue is your long term health and that is better served by a balanced diet. Go back and look at your research again and use a skeptical eye on those studies funded by or sponsored by interested parties.