I broke my toe :(

Ahhhhhhh!!!! Just when I was getting back into working out I broke my entire toenail and the tip of my toe (for someone who can't imagine this it was horrific). I'm having issues WALKING around with shoes on...let alone getting back on the elliptical and treadmill. Any suggestions? I'm probably going to see a podiatrist but I can't see not being in lots of pain for at least a week.


  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Ouch! I broke my pinky toe almost 2 years ago now and it was AWFUL! (dropped my lap top right on it :sick: ) Seriously one of the worst pains ever. :explode: It took a good 6-8 weeks to heal. I couldn't run, elliptical, or even swim for the first couple weeks!! I did some weight training and core work to keep myself sane! For pushups I used an exercise ball to place my shins on (I couldn't flex my feet).

    Once I could handle it, I biked. That seemed to put the least amount of pressure on my toe. Good luck and hope you heal up soon!