Hormones Evaluation

Hey all! I know that this is not the website to post any hormonal-related blood test results, but I am really desperate! So basically, I have PCOS, and went to have a blood test done after having absent period for around 6 months. These are my results

Progesterone 2500 pmol/L
Estradiol 191.1 pmol/L
LH 14.55 IU/L
FSH 8.8 IU/L
Testosterone 2500 pmol/L
Prolactin 5.0ug/L

I would like to know if i am estrogen dominant, as I cant seem to lose weight despite trying very hard. In fact, I gained. I would really appreciate If anyone out there can help evaluate my results. Thanks


  • axialmeow
    axialmeow Posts: 382 Member
    I have PCOS. I have to follow a low carb diet or I won't lose weight. I am off all meds now because of this diet. It works well for alot of PCOS women who often times have insulin resistance too