Would love some friends...

I have been using myfitnesspal with Fitbit for about 7 months now. Down 26 pounds. I LOVE LOVE LOVE to spin at Gold's Gym and like to bike outside when the weather cooperates. I also work out with a trainer 5x a week. 20 more pounds to go. I also like to eat healthy and share my daily eats every day so if you would like to be fitness friends, let me know!:smile:


  • FitEndAg_i
    Great morning to you, I'm a biker too! Have lost 30 lbs with 15 to 20 lbs more to go. I've compared plates, mine, USDA's MyPlate and Harvard University's Healthy Eating Plate. I'm looking at the later. Good food is great, biker's are better! I am a bit older so cardio and metabolic health are very important the weight loss is not the bullseye but is on target. Don't know how to do the friends request but will give it a try. Great Health to you!
  • Mindfreak1999
    I have lost 35 kg with 5 kg to lose. would be happy to exchange tips on eating and training. Feel free to add me. :smile: