Hi every one!!! I'm ready to change my life and am looking for some people to inspire and join me along the way to a better healthier life. Sometimes I feel I can do just everything by myself but I’ve realised I can’t I need support and motivation!!!! I moved to Australia from Ireland in June 2010 to gain a better life financially, but with this I gained a bigger body. Crazy how it is but that’s what happened. Now I want my Health to be my Wealth,

The Other Day I had a check-up done and my body is the equivalent to a 44 year old mans. I’m only 28 and yes I feel older than what I am. I have missed out on a lot of youth and don’t want to miss out on any more because of my weight. I have struggled at sports due to ACL injuries on my knees and now am starting to feel the pain in them again from the weight I carry upon them.

I work for 2 weeks on and 1 week of in the mines. My job is sitting for 12 hours of that day in machinery so it’s not a real active day. We have a gym when we get back to our camp but I just can’t find the confidence to bring myself in there because everyone is fit and I’ve hardly any energy like them so I retreat to my room and have a few beers. This can happen every night and beer is not good only in moderation. I drink for confidence when I go out but drink too much as well. So beer is going to have to be moderated to have my youth back again!!!

I really would love people to join with me and work as a team in my weight loss adventure


  • brittamh
    brittamh Posts: 137 Member
    you can add me if you would like
  • BlackStarlight
    BlackStarlight Posts: 554 Member
    Feel free to add me and we can motivate each other. You can do this. xx
  • Welcome!! feel free to add me. :smile:
  • Hello, that's great, your new wealth is to be your health! I'm at the other end of life 55 y/o but am going backward and really good with it! Can you ride a bike each day? I do, getting my heart beats to the recommended rate. We can talk about it if you wish, don't know what adding as a Friend does, just send me a message if you'd like. Great Health to you!
  • G'day
    I also left the sinking ship, but I left as the Tiger was roaring, anyway to get back to business. If you give up the beer (my drink of choice is sparkling water) the kilos will fall off. The rest is easy.
    I see you like Fr Ted