Losing hope



  • Tina2Cats
    Tina2Cats Posts: 493 Member
    I understand how you feel. I would tend to use food as a way out of a bad situation or in time of crisis, but I am learning not to do that anymore. Just last night, I had an urge to overeat, but instead, I looked at my big belly and thought to myself: 'Do I really want to expand my stomach or would I rather shrink it?' I looked at it some more and decided not to binge. I did eat 5 small baby carrots to satisfy that urge which are only 35 calories.

    I log everything I eat b/c it keeps me accountable, even if I go over on my calories. The support here is wonderful! If I do go over, I get support and encouragement to do better. It keeps me going. Do you have a support system here. You are welcome to add me to your support system. This weight loss journey is not easy and there are going to be bumps along the way.

    YOU CAN DO THIS!!!:smile:
  • Heitor70
    Heitor70 Posts: 56 Member
    Life is so much easier, better and happier once one reaches a healthy weight. Once these countless benefits are enjoyed it is impossible to return to an unhealthy life. When I was younger I was not as committed to exercise and healthy eating habits as much as I am today. We all reach a breaking point when we cannot tolerate continuing on the wrong path. Then, we fully embrace exercise and good eating habits. You will reach that point I am sure. It is a great day and a point of no return and it is all for good. Keep trying and, even if you hit a bump on the road, you are still on the road. It is all good!