Not enough cals, but too much sugar!

Hi everyone,
This is my first post on here... I hope some kind soul can offer me some advice :-)

So I'm a 22 year old woman, in the middle of shifting a bit of weight (18 lbs so far, 7 more to go!) I try to eat very healthily, with almost no processed food and plenty of fruit and veg. I do 30 mins walking daily and pilates 3 x a week. Due to slightly bad skin, I'm trying to cut back my dairy intake slightly...
SO, the problem is - I regularly don't meet my recommended calorie intake, BUT practically daily have too much sugar (due to fruit or what little milk I do have) and borderline too much fat (due to my love of nuts!)
I want to make sure I'm eating enough, so I don't go into starvation mode. So what CAN I eat?

Thanks in advance!

p.s. I have opened my diary if you want to look, but I've not been on my best behavior Thurs or Fri, today is far more typical of my daily diet!


  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Sugar from fruits and milk can mount up quickly - berries tend to be lower in sugar than bananas, sharon fruit, etc.

    But those caramel lattes and cookies are the big killer!
  • artemislecter
    I've asked this same question-- I LOVE fruit. I think it's more the processed foods you need to be wary of-- if you're going over on sugar from fruit (provided you're not a diabetic) you should be fine. And nuts are "good fats." Just keep eating the healthy stuff. =) And congrats on your loss so far!
  • skinnyforhi
    skinnyforhi Posts: 340 Member
    I go over in sugar almost every day. I usually have 2 servings of fruit and 3-5 servings of vegetables. It adds up quickly for me. Since I don't eat candy or cookies or add sugar to my tea I don't worry about it. I focus on staying within my calorie allotment, getting enough protein since I exercise 5 or more days a week, and the rest I don't focus on too much. I am not a nutritionist so I don't fully understand what the deal is with the sugar but the scale is moving so I don't fret about it since I have no medical or health reason to restrict my sugar.
  • BigHeartbeat
    Thanks everyone for your words so far!
    It's a pain in the bum that healthy foods like fruit and nuts can look so 'bad' when added up at the end of the day! Thanks for the tip about berries, I'll try adding those to my breakfasts and see if that lowers my sugar..
    And yes, the caramel latte was a one off, that wasn't really worth it! The cookies, though... I can't lie, I'm a bit of a wanna-be baker :-)
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    I eat over sugar every day and it's not effecting me at all.
  • MemphisKitten
    MemphisKitten Posts: 878 Member
    Don't go by any "guidelines" this site gives you. It's impossible to NOT go over your sugar if you consume dairy or fruit. And it pretty much sets everyone's calories at 1200 which is not a magic number.