Plain Water versus Flavored Water (i.e., Crystal Light)



  • waronmyfat
    waronmyfat Posts: 322 Member
    water thanks all the way... crystal light has sugar in it water does not
  • hpsNcrvs
    Doesn't make any difference. It's water. If the drink has calories, log those as well.

    Thanks for the advice on logging the calories. I just re-examined the packets, and it's five calories for only 1/2 packet and I've been using the whole packet in my water. I've been drinking 8-10 packets' worth of water a day for an extra calorie intake of 80-100 calories. Yikes!

    Just use Mio, or the Great Value Water Enhancer (in the same kinda bottle as Mio..only Walmart brand)
    The powdered mixes have calories. The liquid mixes usually don't.

    I drink a lot more water now that I use the liquid enhancers :-)
  • LesaDave
    LesaDave Posts: 1,480 Member
    I'm not a dr, but I did check with mine. I have a hard time drinking plain water. I was told that crystal light is OK to count as water since the MAIN thing is to get fluids into your system. But coffee doesn't count since your body has to do so much to break it down to water.

    I have been told by my Herbalife coach also that Crystal Light counts, but also the Herbalife tea counts as water. But she also says that coffee doesn't count.

    But besides Crystal Light, have you heard of or seen the Wyler's selection? They have one that is half tea/half lemonade that is DELICIOUS!!! But I like the Arnold Palmer drinks. They have probably about 10 different flavors to choose from.

    Also, Ocean Spray has quite a few selections. When you like cranberry added to the flavor, this is an excellent choice. They have maybe 8-10 flavors, but they are hard to find.

    Sometimes I like pop, but I don't want all the calories. And Crush has some flavores out that cures my desire for pop. Crush Strawberry, Crush Grape, Crush Orange--and the ALL taste JUST LIKE THE POP! Even the kids drink it. I don't like Squirt as a pop, but they also make a Squirt drink mix that is GREAT! I have to fight to have that one myself. The ONLY place I have found these is Dollar General.

    Another good one I have run across is LEMONHEAD!! Yep, just like that candy!! There is grapehead, orangehead and cherryhead. I didn't know about those flavors in the candy, but I like the drinks.

    And last, but not least, how about the Hawaiin Punch flavors? I didn't like Hawaiian Punch growing up, but they have green berry rush and berry limeade that is wonderful. I buy only about 5-6 of their flavors.

    But I guess I said all that to say this: There are SOOOOOOOO many powder choices available.

    If I want it already made, I use Propel Zero. The powder mixes are 10 calories per pack. The Propel Zero has NO calories.

    I have tried the Mio, but maybe I just haven't gotten the "drops" down to a science. It is tastes too watery or too strong.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    I would say if it has calories in it than it would be a snack. It is good that you are getting the hydration but I would say if it is 0 calories than count it as water and if not count it as a snack. Just my opinion.
    Does the body process water with calories added differently than water without calories added? It's still water, regardless of what you put in it.

    My .02 - if you want to account for the calories, log them accordingly - but you can still check off the water intake against your daily totals.
  • 00babyk00
    00babyk00 Posts: 21 Member
    For those that like fizzy drink, or just find plain water boring..we have a soda stream machine which carbonates the water into sparkling water, I find it much easier to drink than plain water. Add some ice and a slice of lemon or lime its lovely.
  • ladyark
    ladyark Posts: 1,101 Member
    I count mine as water when i use the crystal light. I even count water when i make my own iced tea as long as its decaff. I have also been using some lemon slices in my water with or without stevia since i am trying to get away from the artificial sweeteners.
  • Lovestoscrapbook
    Lovestoscrapbook Posts: 295 Member
    Makes no difference. If that helps you get your 64 ounces in each day, then go for it!
  • coolraul07
    coolraul07 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Personal approach: water with something that I mix in (Crystal Light, tea, fiber/protein powder, etc.) counts as water. So do flavored seltzers. Fruit juices, milk, soda, etc. do not count as water. Calories add up regardless.
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    My rule of thumb is if it is caffeinated don't count it because caffeine is a diuretic that if you don't have other forms of water can cause water retention

    This is actually a common myth. According to the Institute of Medicine, "unless additional evidence becomes available indicating cumulative total water deficits in individuals with habitual intakes of significant amounts of caffeine, caffeinated beverages appear to contribute to the daily total water intake similar to that contributed by noncaffeinated beverages." But, as you said, it is important to check for sodium, not so much for in sodas, but in soups and whatnot.

    So basically, water is water, whether it's in coffee, soup, or an orange. There's so many ways to get it in that the 8 cups a day rule doesn't hold up. If you feel hydrated and your urine is light in color, you're good to go. No need to "force-feed" yourself water.

    you are winning this thread.

    my response to the earlier assertion that "anything with caffeine in it doesn't count", is this...

    when you drink a glass of water in order to swallow 2 Excedrin (or similar pain reliever), do you not count the water? because 2 Excedrin have lots of caffeine in them (65mg x 2). that's more than a cup of coffee, which averages 115mg.
  • BelindaDuvessa
    BelindaDuvessa Posts: 1,014 Member
    I don't like plain water either. It has to be filtered or bottled, and even then, I've found that I really only drink it willingly in the mornings (I'm famished and thirsty from sleeping....). But about mid day, it's difficult for me to keep drinking anything.