Weights Help !!!!!

Ok, so I I have a gym membership and doing a mixture of Carido and Weights Mon - Fri...

On monday, I cannot get to the weight machines as there is a circuit class who utilise the machines, same with Friday.

So I really only have Tues, Wed and Thurs on the weights.

I am wondering HOW many reps and sets you think I need to do to make a difference.


  • Jo2926
    Jo2926 Posts: 489 Member
    Have the gym given you any type of programme?

    I'm not an expert by a long way, so not sure about how many sets and reps you should do, but I do know you don;t have to use machines. Dumbells will do very nicely, and I assume these are available all the time?

    Or you could join the class!
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    use free weights .

    check out new rules of lifting for women, strong lifts or starting strength
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    use free weights .

    check out new rules of lifting for women, strong lifts or starting strength

    ^^this. It will be more effective for you to follow a program if you have never lifted before. They go through the 'hows' on the lifts in detail.
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    use free weights .

    check out new rules of lifting for women, strong lifts or starting strength

    ^^this. It will be more effective for you to follow a program if you have never lifted before. They go through the 'hows' on the lifts in detail.

    and since the gym's class schedule is making it difficult for you, and I doubt they're compensating you for the inconvenience, I would try to convince them to throw in several training sessions on how to use the free weights
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Really, what they said. Go for the free weights.

    I putzed around on machines for a year, and while it was an improvement over doing mostly cardio (and doing cardio was an improvement over being a couch potato), I was absolutely flabbergasted at the changes that have happened to my body since switching to free weights, and even more after starting Stronglifts.

    Two months of free weights: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/744311-free-weights-vs-machines-holy-crap

    Two months of Stronglifts: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/798545-end-of-week-8-update
  • obsidianwings
    obsidianwings Posts: 1,237 Member
    I agree, use free weights. You could start with a program like "new rules of lifting for women" its compound lifts though, so its only 3 days a week, and would require you to have rest days in between rather than 3 days in a row.