Men Only....

Be Honest Please, What would you say IS and ISN'T attractive about a Female?


I know it's different for everyone.


  • ScatteredThoughts
    ScatteredThoughts Posts: 3,562 Member
    Brains & cash.
  • beyg
    beyg Posts: 212 Member
    I like the previous comment, cash and brains attractive. meaness not attractive.
  • DCskat3r4lfe
    DCskat3r4lfe Posts: 152 Member
    attractive physically- stomach, legs, butt
    attractive non physically- humor, personality, not spending 2 hours on makeup to go to walmart
  • hoppinglark
    hoppinglark Posts: 213 Member
    brain- common sense, responsible etc.

    body- good smile, good hygiene

    personality- likes me
  • attractive physically- stomach, legs, butt
    attractive non physically- humor, personality, not spending 2 hours on makeup to go to walmart

    I use to be one of those gils, to always have to wear make-up. Now uhk, its too annoying. Its a rarity now. Maybe eyelinerat most.
  • Physically:
    Curves. *kitten*: A nice and curvy butt, not an abnormally fat/big, and not a flat. Breasts: All sizes are nice. :P Hips: A curve from the waist to hips is nice. Thighs: Thick, but not fat thighs. Slight muscularity. Stomach: Flat stomach, not ripped.

    Relationally: Kind, down to earth, willing to talk to anyone, even treating homeless people with respect. Fun, able to talk about more than than fashion, celebrities, or other people. Able to talk about IDEAS.

    Intellectually: Able to hold conversations on philosophy, politics, science, compare religions, and exhibit cogent logic. Takes initiative to talk about these things, exchange ideas, not just listen.

    Personality: Original, dynamic, unique.
  • Non-physical: independent and self confident, positive thinking, inner strength

    Physical: first thing I look at...eyes, happy with who she is and how she looks, active

    Turn offs: " I have more money than most 3rd world countries", starts too many replies with 'NO', inflexibility to change or 'going with the flow', and lying
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    I didn't realize only men found women attractive. Huh.
  • d_Mode
    d_Mode Posts: 880 Member
    Attractive...easy going, friendly...
    Unattractive...*****y...better than everyone else attitude...

    Attractive: Healthy looking, not necessarily fit or model thin...some curves are always nice...
    Unattractive: Messy looking, disheveled...messed up hair, jacked up toes...if they don't have time to take care of their hair or feet makes me wonder what else they are lazy with...know what I'm saying?
  • I didn't realize only men found women attractive. Huh.

    well whats your opinion miss?