Am I eating too much??....



  • BigdaddyJ
    are you saying that you only eat 600-800 calories a day? If it's the case that is the reason you're not loosing....You dont eat enough and instead of burning fat, your body stores long term.....
  • ractayjon
    Some things jump at me -- first off your numbers arent correct - I dont know about all of them but I know that a rice crispy treat )whether the box or homemade) has sugar init , it might not be a lot but its in there and your numbers say 0. What that tells me in a quick snapshot is that if one number is off others could be maybe although you think you are doing a certain calories or whatnot you are actually eating more. I had a brand of bread a few weeks ago that was 80 calories per slice and when I took the time to read the label (I was looking for fiber content) I noticed that it was actually 120 calories per slice so for every sandwich that I had eaten over the past weeks I was 80 calories underestimating! You can see where incorrect calculations *may* have something to do with weight loss.
    Also, Id check on the Starbucks...I know it says sugar free non fat....but Im having this same problem with my chai tea that I is sugar free but it is made with milk (nonfat skim milk) but it still has sugar in it...the tea doesnt but the milk does. Im not familiar with the particular drink you are talking about but I think it is made with steamed milk and will have sugar event though the carmel part doesnt. So you may be looking at more calories there then you think too. Just those kinds of things will add up and you could be eating more then you think.
    Also -- the machines at the gym arenot accurate. I have gotten my hrm (returned to me this week, so I had no hrm all of Jan) -- when I compared the treadmill workouts were relatively the same - the treadmill said I was burning about 5 calories more then my ok. BUT, the eliptical machines wre off by almost 100 calories, the machine saying 292 calories burnt and my hrm saying 200 on one - and the other was off also (but I cant remember exactly how much and on both machines I entered my weight and age. If you dont have a hrm (which still isnt the end all be all- but its more accurate then the machines) then you have to rely on the machine count - but Id underestimate to be safe.
    Also...yes 8-10 calories a minute but I have discovered that my resting heart rate is very low and so no matter what I burn less then that when I exercise - your body may process it differently too.
    Good luck!
    PS..Make sure to hit your target calories for the day and if you arent hungry still try to eat most of your exercise may need to add a meal in the early day that has both protein and good carbs along with help cut back on the sugars
  • karissastephens
    karissastephens Posts: 324 Member
    Thanks everyone! I am soooo addicted to my morning coffee... I may need some ideas on low sugar coffees if my sugar free ideas arent working!

    Also, I am so surprised that the calories I burn on machines are not accurate! I work soooo hard EVERYDAY. I run and run and run on the treadmill (I even put it on incline) and I switch it up by using the elliptical, and other cardio machines as well. Veryyyyyy disappointing to hear that one...
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Ractayjon, That's actually the right amount of sugar for 3/4 of a bar of rice krispie treat (12 g). I didn't see any glaring errors in the food numbers.

    supercool, 25 grams is what MFP sets default for everyone I believe. While 25 grams is generic, and people bigger than average (by that I mean taller with more muscle mass, NOT people with more fat) can be as high as 35 grams and not have an issue, 25 to 30 grams of sugar is about what is recommended. I know that's shocking to a lot of people, but it's true. It's also true though, that people who use fruit and milk for the majority of their sugar don't have as much of an issue as people who use sucrose (table sugar), it's a whole in depth conversation as to why, but essentially it's because sucrose digests fast and generally does bad things to the blood sugar.

    Karissa, 8-10 calories per minute is a really gross over simplification of how many calories you will burn, depending on your rate of exertion, it can be anywhere from 6 cals/min to 18 cals/min. It depends on a lot of factors including, how hard you are working, the type of work you are doing, whether you do the exercise often or this is new to you, the time of day, the temperature in the gym (or place you work)...etc. lots of factors effect your workout.
  • jljune
    jljune Posts: 59
    I noticed that you not only go to starbucks just about everyday but you also eat a lot of icecream and candy. Even if icecream says there is no sugar added, there is still sugar in it. I would lay off of the icecream, chocolate candies, and starbucks and only reward yourself with those treats once a week or when you lose a pound or too. Add in more fruits to get your sugars that way. Also instead of eating snacks for dinner, eat a complete meal with protein vegetables and a healthy carb. Good luck in your weight loss journey!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • rucinski777
    I would definitely suggest buying a heart rate monitor that will give you an accurate reading of your calories burned during cardio. From my observation it looks like your only trying to lose 5lbs or so and judging by your pics your are pretty slender as it is, my advice would be not to fixate so much on your weight loss as a goal but rather your body fat % as well. Cutting the % will make a huge difference.
