How do you keep track when you live with people who don't

I live with someone and I find it truly difficult to go on a steady tracking week. If you live with anyone, how do you keep track of everything and staying motivated. I haven't been tracking for 3 days due to my hunger pangs and my roomate not being that motivated to track. I think that he has just given up and don't care anymore. ugh...!!!


  • Amlong1977
    Amlong1977 Posts: 125 Member
    I live with my husband, 2 girls, & mom. Mom kind of does it with me, but not really anyone else. I cook healthy & if they don't like it then usually tough *kitten*. If it's something I know they'll all hate or that's kind of weird then I prepare one meal for them & I eat my healthy meal. It doesn't bother me too much. It's all about willpower & wanting it bad enough. YOU CAN TOTALLY DO THIS!!!
  • melverous
    melverous Posts: 30 Member
    I live with my husband, 2 girls, & mom. Mom kind of does it with me, but not really anyone else. I cook healthy & if they don't like it then usually tough *kitten*. If it's something I know they'll all hate or that's kind of weird then I prepare one meal for them & I eat my healthy meal. It doesn't bother me too much. It's all about willpower & wanting it bad enough. YOU CAN TOTALLY DO THIS!!!

    It's so difficult whenever he SNACKS! ugh. When he snacks and opens the cupboard, it just makes me give in to temptation!
  • melverous
    melverous Posts: 30 Member
    I'm the one that cooks so I know exactly what I'm eating. I just eat less of what I made, or I separately make myself an easy sandwich takes like 5 mins.

    For the snacking I try to just get a small amount and fit that in with the rest of my daily calories and it all works out. If I go over a bit one day, or even two, no big deal, but you have to even it out the next day by eating less.

    Thanks for the tips! It's just been so difficult to track the past 3 days! My birthday is coming up in a week and this could easily turn into a 10 lb. binger.
  • sahmom24
    sahmom24 Posts: 8 Member
    I've only just finished day four of my diet but so far so good, I have been able to avoid the pantry full of junk food that my husband keeps stocked. Its hard though, but like someone else said, you gotta want it bad enough. I even have to make myself separate meals than what I make the rest of the family (no mashed potatoes, gravy,etc.) because there's no way they would be content on just lean proteins and green stuff all the time. It's hard, but enough is enough, I think this time I want it bad enough to just grin and bear it. It's actually a great sense of accomplishment for me to know that despite all the junk food and stuff the rest of the family eats that surrounds me, to know that I didn't succumb to temptation makes me feel great and in control!
  • apocalypsepwnie
    I cook dinners here and do the groceries. I still buy things for my boyfriend and step kids I don't eat.
    I can sit here and watch him have ice cream, pringles, pizza... whatever without caving. If I want something that bad I've always got snacks for me that are better or I can have some fruit/veg/healthy snack. It's not biggie.
    He eats everything I make and I control when we go out for dinner so I can work it in.

    So I'd say stock up with healthier alternatives for yourself. You don't have to eat because he is. I know it's hard but if you want this you'll do it.
  • babeinthemoon
    babeinthemoon Posts: 471 Member
    It's so difficult whenever he SNACKS! ugh. When he snacks and opens the cupboard, it just makes me give in to temptation!

    My husband has been instructed to keep my "trigger foods" in his office. I don't care if that's what he chooses to eat when he's studying or working, but I don't want to see or smell it! ;-) I don't mind when he brings it to the couch when we sit down to watch a movie or something, because I usually have a late snack planned that is yummy, and just for me. ;-)

    As far as every day eating goes, I'm on a completely different meal plan than the rest of the family. Most of of the time I can just omit the food type that I shouldn't eat that meal (usually cheese or wholegrain carbs depending on the day). My husband rolls his eyes every time I do it, but I don't care. It is working for me right now, and is teaching me how to eat sutable sized portions.

    When we sit down to eat together, I usually make one meal for the whole family, and if you don't like it "tough." But at least once a week I treat my family to an "old stand by" and I just make myself something different. I don't mind being a "short order cook" if it is my tastebuds that I am pleasing with the extra meal. :drinker:
  • megleo818
    megleo818 Posts: 595 Member
    I'm the one that cooks so I know exactly what I'm eating. I just eat less of what I made, or I separately make myself an easy sandwich takes like 5 mins.

    For the snacking I try to just get a small amount and fit that in with the rest of my daily calories and it all works out. If I go over a bit one day, or even two, no big deal, but you have to even it out the next day by eating less.

    This is what I do. I cook, I control portions, I pay attention, I try really hard to stay away from the stuff that I shouldn't be eating. If my family has ice cream for dessert and I don't have the calories left to join them, I have a cup of tea. Or an orange. Or I leave the room.

    Really, you're the only one in control of your logging, so it shouldn't matter if someone else is "doing it with you" -- you still have to enter your food and exercise. If you can't handle it when your roommate snacks, maybe try going for a walk or something when he hits the cupboard. If you're anything like me, you're not really doing anything but sitting around getting fat if you stay inside with your snack buddy! What would you miss by doing something else? Some stupid tv show? -- You're worth more than that. Don't sell yourself short -- you can do this!

    Good luck.
  • hanniejong
    hanniejong Posts: 556 Member
    I live with my hubby, I cook for both of us and I cook healthy, he does not need to lose any weight as he is real slim, so he compensateds by snacking, he eats loads of carbs and that does not worry me at all. He needs extra to me and I need a lot less in order to succeed.
  • chigau_me
    I just know that it's important for me and i'm doing it for myself, i really enjoy it and don't have any troubles staying on track
  • SomeoneSomeplace
    SomeoneSomeplace Posts: 1,094 Member
    I'm 24 and am about to move back in with very controlling parents who think I am too thin. (I'm not I'm a perfectly healthy weight for my frame, have plenty of meat on my bones and I can run 10 miles, certainly couldn't do that malnourished) Excuse my digression...

    I have bee lucky in my diet thus far as my roommates and I buy our food separately so their snacks are their own. Have you thought about doing that instead of buying things all together ? I know that common amongst men but that would allow you to use your money to buy what you really want and not spend your money on snacks that you'll be tempted to eat.

    I've been craving a lot of chocolate lately, for reasons, I am also not allowed to exercise for unrelated health reasons so that's made it tough to even stay in maintenance. But I find with exercise I earn some extra calories so I can reward myself with some treats! Sometimes if I'm really craving something I'll fit it into my calories. I have a binging problem sometimes tho, so I do try and keep snacks limited

    I've found taking myself away from the temptation helps. But the bet thing is just earn the calories somehow, at least for me personally.

    I strongly prefer to cook for myself, I am pretty anal about counting and like to know exactly what's going in my food and how much. Sometimes I'll conveniently just hang around or offer my help when someone is cooking dinner and watch what they're putting in dishes then use the recipe feature on here. When I go out I try to stick to chain places where the counts are online.

    I find pre logging so I know how many calories I'll consume is way better. I do this in the morning so I know how many calories I'll need to burn. It helps motivate me on runs too
  • helyg
    helyg Posts: 675 Member
    I live with my husband and three children. My husband has a very physically active job and my 10 year old son is very sporty (and obviously all three children are growing) so their calorific needs are very different to mine.

    I either eat a smaller portion of what they are having or cook something different for myself. It is difficult when Grandma drops off cake and everyone else is tucking in, but at the end of the day if I want to lose weight I have to have self control.
  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    You're the one doing this and you're doing this for yourself. While it helps when those you live with are supportive, you have to take their stance into consideration too. After all, this isn't a quick fix or a short term thing you're doing (not from the sound of it anyway). Eat smaller portions and be more active and you keep track of it here and your MFPs will support you! Just don't be too hard on yourself if you slip up!
  • stacy_1971
    stacy_1971 Posts: 104 Member
    Ultimately, we can only control our actions, not those of others. I hate to come down hard, but this is how life is: it isn't fair, temptation abounds, and in the end it's our arses on the line for the actions we take. My husband is naturally thin regardless of what he eats (and he eats junk), and sometimes I feel like whining about it, but it does no good to do so. I also used to try to keep up with his eating and if you look to my profile picture, you'll see that was a big mistake.


    1.) Plan your meals carefully to avoid over-eating. I plan my meals out when I'm making my grocery shopping list

    2.) Keep healthy snacks on hand

    3.) Don't worry if your roommate tracks -- this is your journey

    4.) Try eating small meals/snacks every 2-3 hours to help stave off the hunger pains

    5.) And...continue to turn to your MFP for support if you feel so inclined

    Best of luck to you. I know you can do this.
  • kachochan
    I understand that it might be challenging at times, at the same time I never experienced that.
    And I'm quite often surrounded by people who have completely different views on nutrition, exercise and life style.
    And I always lived with someone who was not following me.
    It did screw up things in the past and it isn't and it won't now. 'Cause now I know what I'm doing and why I'm doing it.

    I don't let people tempt me because they have no idea about my calorie budget and if I can afford a cake or another sandwich.
    So it's totally my responsibility to keep track of what I'm eating and stay away from food when my MFP tracker says I'm done :)

    I feel that you can do it.
    Good luck!
  • melverous
    melverous Posts: 30 Member
    Thank you all to everyone for each and every motivating post. I wish I can message you all! :P Thanks the same! I will FIGHT BACK! Looking the way I do takes time and work and I honestly shouldn't care about people who don't want to get healthy the same way I do. :) I will leave the room if my roomate start snacking or eating something I don't have calories for :) BAM! :D
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    I just be an adult about it and take personal responsibility for myself and my actions.
    I'll go on that long run, then wait up till my wife goes to bed and trow all the cheezits on the floor and stomp on them and blame the kids. Cake, sometimes mustard can fall over and squirt all over it. Diet coke and other fizzy drinks are easy. just punch a hole with a pin though the cap. really you can just make the foods go away.
  • tigerlinly
    tigerlinly Posts: 219 Member
    my parents are like that i try but they dont and since i live with them it makes it hard to stay motviated but i did finnally start tolose this week so i hope to keep it up and keep losing now
  • Tracepa98
    I live with my aunt. My brother, his friend and my mother also live in the same house. Im the only one that logs my food and keeps track. They think im neurotic and sometimes get a bit upset if I wont eat what they are eating. But I want this so badly for myself that I dont care what they think.

    Im dedicated to it and Ive seen the differences and definitely wont go back to my old ways.

    As much as you want your roommate to follow suite, you need to keep on truckin for yourself. They may jump back in when they see your results and want to share in that with you.

    Best of luck! :flowerforyou:
  • LMick1986
    I live with a few other girls. One of them always eats out....I'm talking like every meal. She's still super tiny though! My sister also lives me with. She only eats junk food/convenience food. I even buy it at the store with her. She's super tiny too!!! But I also buy the stuff I'm going to eat. I've done just fine with tracking and staying away (mostly) from all the temptations of the junk my sister has at the house. I will eat some if I have enough calories for the day. I don't fight them off altogether. When I get excited and have my small victories, I share them with my sister. She gets excited for me! So that is nice! You can do it!
  • miche_smash
    miche_smash Posts: 131 Member
    It is hard! My husband is ok with trying some new things but I don't force all of my healthy foods on him. After a while its easier to say no or only eat a couple of chips instead of the whole bag, two pieces of candy instead of a handful, etc.
    It would be harder in a roommate situation. Since I do all the cooking and grocery shopping I can basically control what's in my house, but I can't stop him from bringing home McDonald's and wanting to share!