Workout hunger

Why am I starving after a workout?
Should I eat?
And if so.


  • djames92
    djames92 Posts: 990 Member
    its normal your bodys burning off calories so it wants more try protein shakes theyre low calorie only like 200 for all the benifits they give
  • robindina
    robindina Posts: 157 Member
    I don't know if you are suppose to are not, but I eat yogurt , almonds or an energy bar
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    What matters is your week's overall calorie deficit, not when you eat, so if you are hungry and you have cals, eat them whenever you want. If you know you'll be hungry after your workout, then you can "save" calories for it and eat less early in the day.

    I find that some workouts make me hungry and others don't. Pure cardio and swimming make me ravenous. Weight lifting generally makes me at least a little hungry... I've started doing crossfit, and I think because it's such a high intensity activity, I can pretty much not eat within an hour or two of finishing.

    As to what to eat, you can do whatever you like. Some people say you need to have a protein shake, but I don't really buy that you "have" to do anything.
  • getitgirl11
    getitgirl11 Posts: 18 Member
    Post-workout nutrition is VERY important! This is a crucial time where your body is starting to rebuild muscle fibers.

    The ideal is 4:1, meaning four parts carbohydrates to one part protein. This helps re-fuel your body and helps re-build muscle. I love P90X Results and Recovery drink because it has exactly this: 220 calories, 40 grams of carbohydrates and 10 grams of protein. The smooth orange flavor is amazing and very satisfying! You would want to drink this immediately after your workout!

    About 30 minutes or so after the recovery drink is the time for a whey protein drink, this also helps re-build those muscle fibers. I love Optimum Nutrition 100% Gold Standard Whey. They have a ton of different flavors and it mixes well.

    About 45-1 hour after your whey protein is ideal for a normal, healthy meal.

    I hope this helps answer your questions! Feel free to add me, I would love to help motivate you and answer any questions you have!