I need motivation!



  • Dee678
    Dee678 Posts: 53
    One of my greatest motivations is the fact that my little man LOVES to go hang out in the kids area! He wears himself out and I get a good workout . . . of course he's still a chatty and hyper guy, but it's not as bad!
    Last night I couldn't wait to get him there . . . he was so rambunxious when he came home from school!!!
    And I am now addicted to the new piece of equipment at the gym!
    The Precor AMT 100i
    I did 20 minutes and burned 350 calories! Then hit the bike for another 35!

    My close friend is joing my gym in the next couple of weeks . . . now I'll have even more motivation to go! We both have our inspirational pieces of clothing that we hang behind our bedroom doors . . .if we ever really need a kick in the butt . . . just look behind the door . . . Mine are the size 14 jeans that show off my figure!
    I know 14 sounds big, but for me . . . I'm 5'4.5" (yes that half inch counts!) with a stocky frame (broad shoulders and hips with a thinner waist) at a size 14 I get an outline of ribs when leaning into a great yoga pose and clothes fit me so nicely!

    Not to say I'm not gonna try and get smaller, but that is always where my body seems to settle out . . .I don't go by weight either. Not completely, I used to powerlift. I was a size 14 and 214# Last time I was a size 14, not powerlifting, I weighed 181# . . .
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    awww Im sorry Casper0 lol. You can tell the guys that think there all that because theyy just cant stop looking at themselves in the mirror lol
    Or the grunt and walk around like gorillas to draw attention to themselves. lol
    Grunting while squatting with 400 pounds on his back,,, well I just can't imagine! Seems rude to me. And a 200 pound hairy guy should walk like a graceful swan,,, I concur.

    And mirrors. What's with all the mirrors. Feeling good is its own reward,,, you shouldn't have to see the changes in your body. And if you admire the 6 pack that you once thought you'd never see again - well you're just an A-hole...

    Yep,,, reason # 468 to train at home.
  • NikkiDerrig386
    NikkiDerrig386 Posts: 1,096 Member
    Do you listen to your I-pod? Turn it up and block everything out. Make yourself a kickass music mix and just go hard. Think about the results rather than the present. It sounds trite but we've all been there. You have to really focus on the fact that this is for you and no one else. It just takes one really good work out to make you get addicted to them. Are you going today?

    That how I do it!!
  • NikkiDerrig386
    NikkiDerrig386 Posts: 1,096 Member
    WARNING - I cant spell lol

    Switching gyms is not the answer. There will always be those girls that think their S*** dont stink at the gym. The same girls wo have thier hair done, full makeup, or walking around in the sports bra to make you feel bad about yourself. The key is to ignore them!! Thats what they want! They do it to be looked at and draw attention. So the thing that will really get to them is by ignoring them. Few tips.. Make playlists with some of your fav and new dance hits, have your workouts written down and follow it so your focus is on you, and try to have some confidence (maybe wear some gear that flatters your body).