Ticker not making sense

Not understanding why it says i have lost 5.8 pounds since my last weigh in but then tells me I have only lost 3.2 pounds? My original weight was 197.2 and today is 191.4. This makes NO SENSE and frustrates me:

This is what it says to be exact:

Swoopette lost 5.8 pounds since her last weigh-in! Swoopette's lost 3.2 pounds so far.

Does this make any sense to anyone else?


  • chrissy_1987
    chrissy_1987 Posts: 56 Member
    Did you definatly put your weight in correctly last time you weighed? If for example you accidentally put down you had GAINED weight last time, and lost this time, then it would show you losing a lot since last weigh in but the total weight lost would be correct?
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    It happens like that if you logged a gain between losses.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Mine does that if I gain back more weight than my official "starting weight". So if you lose three pounds this week, but you gained one last week, it tells you you lost three since the last weigh-in, but you only net 2. If you signed up a year ago and gained 15lbs since then, it will remember and not start putting them on the ticker until you lose that 15. I assume you can change your starting weight in the settings to get rid of that particular issue.