Alternatives to Stress Eating



  • PermissionGranted
    PermissionGranted Posts: 203 Member
    Thanks for this post! Emotional eating is my biggest down fall. Now, thanks to MFP and you guys i think about why im eating before i eat. I think i need a regimen especially after 7pm when it comes to eating. I'm thinking a bottle of water, hot cup of tea then crystal light. If I'm still hungry then ill have a low cal snack. Definitely shouldn't still be hungry after that :)
  • Chew a piece of gum, drink a cup of coffee, read a nice book, go to the store (not the grocery store though!). I like to just take my mind off of the food and be productive.
  • Tashymash
    Tashymash Posts: 41 Member
    I personally find a few things help. I am a typical stress eater, comfort eater, and tbh i sometimes want to eat when i'm really happy also! But i find a few good things can sometimes help when i feel stressed. Many people have already said but i just decided to put forth a honest and personal answer. Reading often helps me, particularly if its reading something i enjoy. Doing something silly that makes me laugh can occasionally help as a quick fix. I find a good cup of tea is perfect atm- and as i'm drinking herbal teas it is also extremely good for me! Finally i come online and look at MFP or other sites that promote weight loss. This reminds me of my goal and usually puts me right off bingeing :/ Oh and try not to have too much rubbishy food around you if you can, it means when you want to stuff your mouth, there isn't a lot of unhealthy food to binge on.
  • I'm a super stress eating. And I think the reason I do it is because I feel like a need a treat of some kind cause I'm going through something or having a rough time. The best coping mechanism I have found to use instead of stress eating is colouring. I know that sounds super cheesy, but who didn't love colouring when they were a kid, and it helps keep my mind off of food and negativity. There are lots of sweet colouring books for adults out there too so you don't feel like such a child.
  • brittanyholocker
    brittanyholocker Posts: 53 Member
  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    how about addressing the source of the stress?
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    gum works for me. deep breathing. definitely trying to figure out why i am stressed and trying to deal with that although doesnt always work! sometimes i can get a tootsie pop and that helps.
  • I guess I am really bad at stress eating as well... I am going back to school to get my AA, so I spend alot of time reading and studying and in the beginning it seems like I would eat my way through something without realizing I would eat it.. In times of emotional stress I would turn to food for comfort. So for me exercising has helped me with both my appetite and my stress. It really has not curbed my need to munch while studying...

    So what I have done was go to the bulk foods department and get a variety of nuts and dried fruits. I build my own trail mix. I then put them in baggies. So I don't have a huge container in front of me. I also have them with me in my bag so when I am out and about and get hungry I can snack on that instead of eating something less healthy.

    Another thing that has really helped me is water! I find if I get my daily water in, I snack less. Good luck, and take care.