Balancing Cardio and Strength, close to goal?

I have currently lost about 60 lbs from when I started trying to lose weight about a year ago. I started at about 238lbs and I am now down to 178, and I am 6'0 tall and about a size 10-12 in pants. I initially would do the elliptical and run, and then I had great success losing weight from running. Once I got down below 200lbs, I started to do strength training and circuit training. At that point, I stopped losing weight at an advanced rate, but I started dropping pant sizes and inches like crazy. Now, I am happy with how my body looks, but I still have a decent amount of fat in my midsection and back and I want to get rid of it. I currently will usually alternate doing cardio and strength, and try to blend the two, such as doing an Insanity video for cardio or a core dynamics video for cardio as well. I would like to weight in the 165 range, but mainly get rid of my stomach. My arms/shoulders are looking very good from the weight lifting I have been doing, and I can tell I would have a muscular ab region if there wasn't fat. So...should I continue to evenly balance strength and cardio, or should I focus mostly on losing the weight and THEN strength training, or mainly just lift weights?


  • RainbootsToBikinis
    RainbootsToBikinis Posts: 465 Member
    Congratulations on your lose so far! That's awesome! I recommend combining the two, do 45 minutes of strength training (or however long it takes you to complete you sets) and then follow it immediately with high intensity interval training for 15-30 minutes. Both HIIT training and weight lifting give you an after burn of calories helping to burn off fat.