Blah, soundtrack to my life lately...

I work 7 hours a day at a desk, and when I get home I would rather do nothing. Yet those times I used to work out I LOVED the HIGH I got from it. It was almost as if everything was going to be ok in my world, and screw the things that werent. Now that Im not working out my moods pretty ****ty, im stressing over stupid crap, and im starting to give up.

I just need to get back to that HIGH and feel good, but I cant seem to get there its like a door I cant open :ohwell: .

I probably sound depressed and its possible, but has anyone else been in this situation where you just cant seem to motivate yourself?

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  • abbylady
    abbylady Posts: 26 Member
    Definitely. That's how I've been feeling lately. It's my senior year of college -- classes are getting crazy because of finals, I've got a thesis to construct, I have 2 paid internships that I work at, I'm co-directing a show, and I'm teaching music to kids every other weekend. All to often have I come home and just plop on the couch from being just plain exhausted. My workouts kind of fizzled out to nothing pretty recently.

    The biggest thing that got me motivated was doing something small. On days when I felt really, really tired and cranky, I would just do 10 minutes of stretching. That's it. And just by loosening my body up, I started feeling better and eventually motivated enough to do a short workout. If nothing else, just tell yourself "just 20 minutes of exercise and then I can crash." 9 times out of 10, you will feel juiced rather than crappy.

    Take it easy and feel better!
  • NataBee
    NataBee Posts: 57 Member
    You and me both!
    I get the train to work at 7am, work at a desk all day and arrive home at 7pm, eat dinner and then i could technically fit in an hour on the bike but i just have no motivation to do it by that time! I wanna crash on the sofa and relax before my long day starts all over again! My healthy living plan would go a whole lot smoother if i could exercise too but i just can't seem to fit it in :/
    I guess abbylady has a point there though, telling myself to do 20 minutes seems do-able but i never saw the point in working out for less than an hour, 20 minutes is more than nothing right :)