kickboxing DVDs?

I'm really into martial arts-type workouts- I was thinking about trying Cathe Friedrich's MMA Fusion because I can't afford to take any classes. When I get the money though, I'm going to look at the MMA gym near my home (it's about ten minutes away). Does anyone have any suggestions?


  • princesspurple
    I love Billy Blanks. You feel it all over, he is so energetic and you move the whole time! I forgot I had those videos! I haven't picked them up in about 2 years-seeing I didn't exercise much in that time. I am going to have to get them out. He really is great and he has different types of athletic people doing it along w/ him!
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    If you are looking for great Kickboxing then try her MMA boxing or her Kick, punch and crunch. Kathy's Smith Cardio kickbox is another one that I just discovered on Amazon. It has 3 workouts, 1 kickboxing with a martial art expert and an Aeroboxing with Canadian boxer Michael O. I absolutely love these two workouts and the calorie burn is great.

    I have done Taebo and Turbo Jam but these are more true to the art of kickboxing.
