This Thanksgiving...

kwest_4_fitness Posts: 820 Member
I am thankful my arms are no longer the size of of a teenaged girl’s thighs..
I am thankful I haven’t had a cigarette in almost two years.
I am thankful I can jog a mile and not pass out.
I am thankful the Happy Black Man cannot defeat me.
I am thankful for the high intensity fun of Zumba.
I am thankful I no longer wave to the front and the back.
I am thankful for navy beans, vegetarian chili, and Fuddrucker’s buffalo burger.
I am thankful for the husband who inspires me to keep at it, no matter what.
I am thankful for knowing what healthy feels like.
I am thankful I am determined to continue on this path.
Oh, and I’m thankful I haven’t lost my boobs through this whole process!

What are your fitness blessings this season?
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